Earlier this week Guild Wars 2 released the Beta software for it's Mac version. My iMac dual boots with Win7, but it's such a chore to boot into Windows, wait for it to load, update and what not, that I hardly played GW2 after the head start days. My God but I've really learned to dislike Windows since switching to a Mac.
The OSX Beta has run fine for the hour or so I've put it through it's paces. Same server and characters as when I was playing from the PC side, so I'll have a chance to play with some of my friends.
I very much like the idea of no monthly subscription ;)
OSR Review & Commentary On Adtherpe's Natural Materials By Chuck Cumbow For
Castles & Crusades Rpg
" Adtherpe the Spontaneous collected all sorts of information on the
multi-verse, its natural resources and the numerous creatures that inhabit
it. Within ...
50 minutes ago
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