Blood Demons
*"Do you hear that grunting?" *
*"Who's working out in a dungeon?"*
* Looking through the doorway, the party sees a wide circular chamber that
12 minutes ago
This is Part 1 of a series episodes digging into the AD&D 1e Unearthed Arcana. Today, we look at Method V of generating character stats.Link to Episode #44:
Well, one of the Kickstarters I talked about yesterday got suspended an hour or so after the podcast went live. I did mention that the same creator had two projects funding at the same time. Oh, and the AD&D 1e Player's Handbook is 40 years old this month.Link to Episode #42:
Some Kickstarters are amazing, some are "eh" and some hit the WTF level. We got you covered. City of Brass, The Forgotten Dungeon Mega adventure, Dragon scales Fantasy RPG and F@ck! Yeah! 20 Sided Dice.Link to Episode #41:
The town of Kamis lies in a panic. Townsfolk are missing and city watchmen lie dead; their sides split open from being over stuffed with grain. A stalwart cadre of adventurers must explore the town of Kamis and uncover the terrible mysteries of the Temple of the Hamster. These adventurers must brave terrible traps and minions before facing the dread peril at the heart of the temple. The Temple of the Hamster is packed with hamster style adventure and has been redesigned to have 100% more hamster wheels and mayhem. This level 3 adventure is compatable with the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG and guaranteed to entertain even the stoutest hamster hating heart. Also be sure to look for more forthcoming adventures from Vance Games. Mother’s Maze is coming soon!The hook is the PCs are incarcerated and this is their chance to redeem themselves (and get a pardon to boot) While this hook is perfect for a convention session (which is where I really think Temple of the Hamster will truly shine) if you want your regular party to get involved just remind them the town watch is dead, townfolks have gone missing and they are heroes. Or at least they are a close facsimile :)
I've been enjoying looking at the old D&D / AD&D rulebooks with fresh eyes. Today I look at the AD&D 1e Player's Handbook, starting with the back cover and then moving to the front. My God, Rangers are powerful at low levels (and powerful again at name level)Link to Episode #40:
Beginning with low-level challenges in the familiar confines of the Lost Lands, the adventure leads characters on a thrilling journey through multiple planes of existence culminating in the exploration of the City of Brass itself. The gleaming towers and floating platforms of the city hold terrors and wonders such as the Great Repository and the Minaret of Screams. Characters may choose to take a turn in the Circus of Pain, raid the floating Pyramid of Set, or join the resistance to the Sultan’s oppressive rule and lead an assault on the palace itself! A phoenix rises fully formed from the ashes of the past. The City of Brass is re-imagined for the new renaissance of fantasy role playing games, brought to you in the epic style of old school fantasy campaigns of yesteryear.and:
This new release of The City of Brass includes all new color maps by Alyssa Faden and Robert Altbauer. Plus amazing new color art by Colin Chan, Adrian Landeros, Terry Pavlet, Michael Syrigos, C. J. Allan Marsh, and Artem Shukaev.
The original City of Brass was divided into 3 books and has been revised and reorganized throughout with 150,000 new words of adventures and material.For a novel that's about 300 pages of new material. For an RPG book, no idea how that converts, but its a lot.
Tip of the hat to The Tavern's Discord Community for inadvertently giving me today's topic of discussion. Player's don't even roll their characters in OD&D - the DM does.Thank you Elfstar.