Guess the day was off... again.
Alright, since I didn't see any suddenly unoccupied moving vehicles when we were out driving prior to, during and after the 6pm kick-off time, I think it is safe to assume that the kook was just that... a kook.
Doomsayers have shown up fairly frequently as background figures in RPG sessions I ran during college, probably because NYC is full of them. The trick would be to have one of these loons actually be right, but for all the wrong reasons. Of course, it would be up the the PCs to save the world.
The major problem with an adventure like this, is that it doesn't work well commercially (or even given away for free). Any adventure that can bring the campaign to a complete and utter end if the PCs fail has to be tailored to the PCs AND the campaign. I'd hate to see my game come to an awkward stop due to a generic end of the world adventure.
Time for me to do some reading and write some checks to pay off some bills. I was hoping a rapture-like experience would have done away with those responsibilities ;)
GM's Day Sale Picks
It's March. That means RPG Drivethru is having its GM Day Sale! I've got a
couple, a few, a whole lot of good picks for you. Here are four that jumped
1 hour ago