Monday, January 13, 2025

OSR Christmas 2024 - Awarding the Gifts for Days 7 & 8

Yep, this is overdue. The past week has been - challenging. Challenge accepted! In the meantime, let's award the gifts for OSR Christmas 2024 Days 7 & 8. If you see your name/handle down below, please email: tenkarsDOTtavern at that gmail thing, use "OSR Christmas Days 7&8" in the subject, and in the body of the email, include your real name, your "google" name below, and the gift you are claiming.

NOTE: outstanding OSR Christmas emails will be addressed tonight and tomorrow - I appreciate the patience - Tenkar

Days 9 & 10 will go up tomorrow...

FDG0349 DRAGON TILES: Dungeon Core Set ($25.00) Brian S.

FDG0351 DRAGON TILES: Caverns Core Set ($25.00) Jeff Bernstein, 

Frog God Games 50% off Coupon X TWO! RhinoDino1973, FallenAngel

Sir Pellinore's Game PDF Nathand Christenson

Castle Perilous PDF Mike Bauer

$10 DTTRPG Gift Cert X TWO! Rob F. & David T. (via Discord)

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Humble Bundle - 5e Adventures, Crafting, Monster, Monsters & VTT Assets Bundle

I'd happily convert the 5e content to OSR on the fly. As for the VTT assets, this would be a goldmine for DM's like JoetheLawyer :)

25 Bucks for 58 books, maps, token packs, and more with the 5e Adventures, Crafting, Monster, Monsters & VTT Assets Bundle

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Humble RPG Bundle: Invisible Sun by Monte Cook

Invisible Sun uses Monte's Cypher System, also used in Numenera. You can snag 10 books in the Invisible Sun collection for 18 bucks.

Gather your friends for endless adventure with this gigantic bundle of tabletop role-playing resources for the uber-popular title Invisible Sun. Our latest mega bundle by Monte Cook Games has everything you need to run the latest and greatest version of Invisible Sun. Get rulebooks, sourcebooks, and expansion campaigns like Secrets of Silent Streets, The Nightside, Book M, and more.

Invisible Sun is a surrealistic modern fantasy tabletop role-playing game written by Monte Cook, published in 2018.

The characters the players take on in the game are various types of magic-users, collectively called Vislae. The setting is called the Actuality, consisting of a series of differing worlds arranged in a pattern called The Path of Suns. Our world is seen as a pale and illusory reflection of these worlds. The center and starting point of the setting is Satyrine, a large city devastated by war. "The setting is surreal, bringing to mind post World War I decadent Berlin, Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics and the films of Guillermo del Toro", leaving our world behind. Characters slipping back into "Shadow", the game's name for our world, is used as an in-universe explanation for player absences. Another major theme is secrets, which the characters can pursue. The game material itself also contains mysteries for the players to figure out.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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