Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Bundle of Holding - Tales From the Magician's Skull (Swords & Sorcery Fiction)

I own the first few issues of Tales FRom the Magician's Skull in Print plus PDF, and I must say I'm impressed by the writing of the short stories included. I no longer have the focus or patience to read novels or trilogies, and shorter swords & sorcery fiction are the perfect size for me these days.

For 12.95, you can snag issues 0-7 of Tales From the Magician's Skull as well as Cubicles of the Skull in PDF. That is an amazing amount of reading material for the money.

Mortal, behold! Tales From the Magician's Skull from Goodman Publications is a fantasy fiction magazine that overflows with thrilling new adventures in the spirit of the fabled pulps. These stories, crammed with sword-swinging action, dark magic, and ferocious monsters, hurtle forward at a headlong pace. There are swords, and there is sorcery – dark deeds and daring rescues – lands where heroes fear to tread. Picture this as well: maps to wondrous and terrible places; electrifying art for every tale; guides to bring the terrors within to your own game table. This all-new Magician's Skull Quick Deal brings you eight .PDF issues of Tales From the Magician's Skull plus Cubicles of the Skull, a high-spirited booklet of quotations from your host, the Immortal Skull. As he likes to say, "Join me, mortal dog! Together we shall storm the gates of Valhalla!"


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Humble Bundle - Lone Wolf and Cub and More (Comics)

I remember, back in my days collecting comics, buying Lone Wolf and Cub for the Frank Miller covers, and being blown away by the content BETWEEN those covers. I had never experienced a Japanese comic before, and it was literally eye-opening. Lone Wolf and Cub were some of the best stories ever written and drawn in graphic comic format.

There is a huge collection of Japanese graphic novels available on Humble Bundle. It may not look huge initially, but Lone Wolf and Cub alone account for 28 of the issues available. Snag the entire collection for 18 bucks.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Monday, November 28, 2022

Bundle of Holding - Shadowrun 1E-2E Mega Bundle


I remember snagging Shadowrun when it was first released in '89. It was a magical setting that also touched upon cyberpunk themes, thus my group would never step close to it, but it was a good read.

For 19.95, you can snag a (fairly) complete collection of Shadowrun 1e in PDF - Core Rules, expansions, setting guides, and more. If you pay about 42.25, you add a huge amount of Shadowrun 2e material to the mix. I'm not sure if I have the time to read all of this Shadowrun material, but I may just give it a shake.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Why Play B/X?

Why Play B/X?
Now I know that this post might be lost on this particular audience, but you know.....internets and all, anything posted online might be useful to other people.

So we play a game that has what (?)......seven editions and going on an eighth, along with about a thousand offshoots and a bazillion house-ruled variations...but I'm going to suggest that anyone not already playing a preferred game...or maybe in this case anyone trying to figure things out for the first time...that they should play B/X.

Now I'm not going to try and go into the history of the game because that's been done several times far better than I'll ever be able to get into. There's a lot of history before the introduction of B/X and far more after the history of this edition.

While history is part of the reason I suggest new players start with B/X, which I'll get into in a moment, it isn't the main reason, and I think a lot of people being introduced to D&D/RPGs would inherently use "history" against choosing B/X.....

....think about it. You can find the current edition of the game easily, at Wal-Mart even, but B/X? Well that isn't so easy to get ahold of for those not in the know. Here are two places you can start:

OK, so I've established the what/where...and maybe even the how, but really the point here is why? What makes B/X the edition you should be playing?

First off, it's an early edition of the game and...simpler to play. You could try and take this reason out to an extreme and try to promote the original Basic or even Chainmail, but I'd argue that they maybe simpler on some levels, but actually more difficult in reality. Those earlier flavors/editions were made for hardcore wargame geeks and....a bit rough around the ridges. When Basic came out the game started to get a bit of a more widespread appeal and with that appeal came a lot of questions, rule clarifications, and published revisions in Dragon Magazine. Basic was literally a beta version of the more refined B/X release. If you read that version you can pretty much see it for yourself....even in just the layout of the pages.

If you start off playing D&D with the B/X edition you'll get essentially the most basic (pun not intended) yet refined edition that can be picked up for free/low cost. There's a TON of additional free/low cost resources for the game and a HUGE potential player base because most OSR players would be up for a game of B/X. 

In short there is a rather low barrier of entry, I'd argue the lowest, for playing RPGs or D&D if you choose the B/X version. For a new player of DM, get those games in, get that needed experience, and then you can branch out into the bazillion variations out there.

Now for those of us that are already more experienced....I suggest you keep B/X around and play it on occasion, for a couple of reasons: to grow new players and to do a compare & contrast. The growing new players is easy enough to figure out and helps pretty much everyone. As far as the compare & contrast?...

Now I've been pretty straight-forward in saying that I'm more of a fan of crunch in my game and B/X isn't that crunchy, so why would I advocate for it? Well just because I like a more complex game, it doesn't mean I'm good with adding said crunch. My fellow players/GM help with this and a lot of times a simpler approach works best. Playing B/X helps in context.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Friday, November 25, 2022

Huge Discounts *some over 50%) on D&D 5e Books at Amazon - D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle 10 Bucks!

There are some huge discounts on D&D 5e books over at Amazon, some discounted AND priced at "get 3 books for the price of 2". If there are holes in your 5e collection, now is likely a good time to plug them.

Note, if you use The Tavern's Affiliate links, you are helping to support "The Bartender in the OSR".

I am VERY surprised to find the NEW D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle priced at 10 Bucks. At that price, I may buy copies for my niece and nephew and let them possibly find their own interest in RPGs ;)

D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle (2022 Release) - $20 $10

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Black Friday Sales Have Gone Live at DTRPG

This year's Black Friday Sale is live over at DTRPG, and will be live through Monday, 11/28/22. Discounts appear to range from 20-30% off a ton of titles.

Tomorrow, Black Friday, and 11/28, Cyber Monday will have special deeper discounts on a few titles.

I'll follow this short post up with one tomorrow highlighting the special titles and some OSR picks.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Kickstarter - Paranoia Perfect Edition

I've been a huge fan of Paranoia since the very first edition - my awesome boxed set that was missing the 2d10 dice that were supposed to have been included. I even playtested a scenario for Hill Sector Blues, and the Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues is still one of the finest RPG adventures ever written.

Mongoose Publishing is Kickstarting a new edition of Paranoia. Sure, there have been a number of editions over the years, but damn, it's such a great game for conventions and one-shots.

About 60 bucks get you the new edition of Paranoia, the Paranoia Perfect Edition in print and PDF, and that includes shipping. I'm in. There are other backer levels, but this one is mine ;)

Say hello to Paranoia Perfect Edition, otherwise known as ‘that cool game with a computer and Troubleshooters, and you shoot everything, and the GM lies, and you die repeatedly but holy cow is that game fun’.

Paranoia created controversy simply by being created. It took the traditional RPG tropes of cooperation, problem-solving and epic adventures against evil and turned them on their heads. Paranoia uses competition, problem-blaming and confusing missions against whatever you were told was evil: a villain, a convenient patsy or evidence of government corruption. Above all else, Paranoia is a roleplaying game that knows it should be fun and entertaining, so it focuses on those and not silly things like plausibility or internal consistency.

You play a Troubleshooter, which is like a volunteer fireman but for police, except it’s not voluntary and people hate you. You receive missions from everyone’s leader and best friend (as required by law), an AI called The Computer. Your job is to find trouble and shoot it. What kind of trouble? Mostly those declared traitors, which includes anyone with a mutant power or who belongs to an illegal secret society.

Oh, your character has a mutant power and belongs to an illegal secret society. So do the other players. And each of you has a laser pistol. Now, play nice! Or shoot each other in the back. That’s more likely.


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Frog God Games Sale - 50%-60% Off Nearly Everything! Early Black Friday is Here!

Frog God Games is running some Black Friday Sales at DTRPG and their own Frog God storefront and the price cuts are DEEP. 

Everything Frog God Games has in digital format at DriveThruRPG is  60% off. All of the new releases from Necromancer Games are 60% off at DriveThruRPG.

Over at the Frog God Webstore, the discount is 50% off print and PDF prices using the coupon code: MOST-ORCUS-TIME-2022

Did I mention Frog God Games is also offering a holiday-themed freebie? Grab The Terrible Yule Cat for OSE, C&C, and 5e for free!

So, some of my picks are, in no particular order and no preference to the storefront (get your print copies directly from the Frogs and your PDF only from DriveThruRPG)

Lost Lands (Setting Book) - one of the best fantasy settings available, bar none. System neutral, so run it with S&W, OSE, Dungeon Fantasy, The Fantasy Trip - whatever you desire.

Tehuatl (Setting Book) - a mesoamerican themed setting, it is very well done and does a great job showing respect to the setting. Like the Lost Lands setting, it is system neutral.

Rappan Athuk (mega-dungeon) - a timeless mega-dungeon. Available in the "classic" S&W version or the new shiny 5e version, either way, you can't go wrong.

Monstrosities (monster book) - for S&W, every creature has a hook or mini-adventure attached to it. If you don't already have a copy, snag it now.

Moon Daughter's Fate (adventure)- for S&W and 5e, Moon Daughter's Fate has its root in traditional Chinese folklore, not something that you find all that often in an RPG adventure.

The Midderlands (setting) - this is the 5e version of Glynn Seal's fantastic faux Britan setting.

How Orcus Stole Christmas (adventure) - James Spahn at his best. Available in S&W, PF1e, and 5e flavors.

Much, much more ;)

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Monday, November 21, 2022

Bundle of Holding - Engine GM Guides (System Neutral)

I've picked up each of these Engine GM Guides over the years and they are excellent resources, both for game prep and for improv in session. I really can't recommend them enough, and for less than 10 bucks for the six titles, it really is a steal.

Gamemaster! This Engine GM Guides Quick Deal gathers ebooks from Engine Publishing that help improve your skill in running tabletop roleplaying games. Written by the experienced GMs at the widely read gamemastering blog Gnome Stew and by many of the field's leading RPG designers, Engine's system-neutral guides show how to prepare and run a game session, conjure interesting characters and storylines, manage an ongoing campaign, and (ahem) improvise when your players gleefully destroy your sessions, characters, storylines, and campaign.

Odyssey the Complete Gamemaster Guide to Campaign ManagementEach of these terrific guides has appeared in one of five past Bundle of Holding offers, 2013-2020. If you missed any of those, or if you're new to the collected wisdom of the Gnome Stew bloggers, this Quick Deal gives you the complete six-book collection for less than the retail price of one guide. For just US$9.95 you get all six complete gamemastering guides in our Engine Collection (retail value $78) as DRM-free ebooks:

Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Gamemasters (previously in the November 2013 Worldbuilder's Toolkit 1)

Focal Point: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Running Extraordinary Sessions (in Toolkit 4, Nov 2016)

Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game (in Toolkit 1, Nov 2013)

Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Session Prep (in Toolkit 3, Dec 2015, and in Bundle 5, Aug 2013)

Odyssey: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Campaign Management (in Toolkit 2, Nov 2014)

Unframed: The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters (in Toolkit 3, Dec 2015)


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Getting Ready for the "Off" Season....

Getting Ready for the "Off" Season....
Note: Since I know that some of my home group read this....please know this isn't about "us".

This week marks the beginning of what I kind of refer to as the "shitty season" as far as table-top RPGs go. Because of the impending holidays, there aren't any conventions and there really aren't any weekly games going on. I'm used to there being attempts to game, but they almost never pan out. At best maybe there is a gaming group get-together that's a bit of a Christmas party, but that's about it.

Now this isn't really a complaint or condemnation, just an observation.

Gaming is important to me on a couple of levels, one of which is straight-up mental health. Most of my friends I have through gaming and sitting around slinging dice is probably one of the most beneficial social interactions I have outside of work. It's kind of important for me and I'm willing to bet that many, if not most, of us are somewhere on a similar line. 

Yeah, sure....you are perfectly fine, socially well-adjusted and all that. You've probably already rolled your eyes at least once and are only reading this far 'cause you got nothing better to do the Sunday before Turkey Day. In that case, make a quick mental review of your group and see if any of your fellow dice chuckers fit the bill.

Now I'm lucky in that I'll get to go home for some time this holiday season and I don't necessarily have co-workers, but brothers....so I should be good. Add in a little online gaming and a few extra trips to the FLGS, along with at least one Christmas Party...and I should be good.

.....should be. I'm lucky enough that I can send up a flare if I'm wrong.

At this point in this one-sided discussion I have but a simple ask: do a low-level reach out this holiday season to your gaming buddies and see if they might need a little more non-holiday social interaction if you're not getting together as much as you usually do...even those that are a bit more on the introverted side.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Humble Bundle - The Neil Gaiman Dark Horse Collection

I've been a huge fan of Neil Gaiman since the first issue of Sandman. Even when I stopped collecting comic books, I still bought every monthly issue of Sandman. He's one of the top storytellers of this generation, whether traditional novels or graphic novels.

The opportunity to snag 19 Neil Gaiman graphic novels for 18 bucks in digital format at Humble Bundle is something I personally can't pass up. 

Lose yourself in realms of myth and mystery in these Dark Horse graphic novels featuring the stories of New York Times best-selling author Neil Gaiman! Discover gorgeous adaptations of celebrated novels like American Gods and Norse Mythology. Explore twists on fairy tales (Snow, Glass, Apples) and legends from classic literature (A Study in Emerald). Add a treasury of timeless tales to your digital collection, and help support USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, with your purchase.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Friday, November 18, 2022

Preorder - Heart of St. Bathus (Frog God Games / OSE)

So, Frog God Games is currently Kickstarting the 5e version of Heart of St. Bathus. They are not Kickstarting the OSE version of Heart of Bathus, but instead are taking preorders, which will only be processed and charged if "there are 125 (orders) placed by Saturday, December 17, 2022. All of the extras from the KS, including Encounters in the Under Realms, will be available for purchase in the OSE version when the pre-order versions of the main book are released to pre-order customers. The OSE version will be an A5 hardcover. The add-on softcovers will be A5 and made available when the Heart of St. Bathus OSE Hardcover fulfillment occurs in one shipment."

I placed my preorder the moment I saw this on the Frog God website.

Frog God Games presents another adventure in The Lost Lands! A spiritual sequel to The Lost City of Barakus has arisen from the imagination of its author, W.D.B. Kenower. Long ago, a bold paladin sought the same glory as his celebrated ancestors, but in a moment of weakness he gave up his own soul in exchange for success in battle. He now lies suspended between life and death, and his soul is lost. It’s up to the adventurers to find it and redeem a fallen paladin while facing the wrath of a powerful demon lord in the process.

Heart of St. Bathus is a sandbox-style campaign for the Old-School Essentials Retro Adventure Game, designed to take a party of characters from Level 3 to Level 12. Answering an appeal for aid from the monks of Goodheart Abbey, the adventurers set off in search of a famed paladin’s lost soul, venturing first to a cursed fortress and then into the labyrinthine depths beneath. But it’s far from a simple mission: The soul — and the heart-shaped jewel to which it is bound — have been stolen by a cunning devil who has taken it to her citadel far below within the twisting passages of the Cyclopean Deeps. And the Heart’s true master, an imprisoned demon lord, lurks in the darkest corners of the realm, hoping to use the unwitting adventurers to aid in his escape. The soul of a brave paladin hangs in the balance as the adventurers delve into dark and unknown regions!

Purchasing this product is a pre-order of the Heart of St. Bathus adventure for the Old-School Essentials Retro Adventure Game. After the Pre-Order campaign ends, customers will receive a code allowing the purchase of the book at cost at DriveThruRPG.com. The printing of each book is currently estimated to be $27.00. Preorder customers will be paying the same or less than the book’s retail price after the Pre-Order campaign ends.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Christmas Gifting - D&D Classic Collection: Monsters A-C (Painted Minis)

As we await the release of One D&D, WotC and its licensees need to find a source of income for the inevitable "dead time" between editions. Lo and behold and to the surprise of no one, we have the release of the D&D Classic Collection: Monsters A-C from Wizkids.

Now, is it really a "complete" collection of monsters from"A-C"? Obviously not. It is, however, a collection of iconic creatures from the letters of the alphabet covered, and certainly hits some notes for a grognard like me. I'm not so sure I'd buy it for myself, but if Rach needs some ideas for a Christmas gift or two for me, I don't think she could go wrong with D&D Classic Collection: Monsters A-C.

I must say, I really do like the cover art ;)

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Humble Bundle - Introduction to Battletech (Includes Physical Boxed Set)

I remember when Battletech was originally called BattleDroids. If memory serves correctly, Lucas Film threatened legal action, and FASA was promptly renamed Battletech.

Battletech is now published by Catalyst Game Labs and the bundle of Battletech being offered on Humble Bundle is extensive. They are offering the Battletech: Beginner Box at the $30 Bundle Level with 27 digital products. (25 bucks on its own at Amazon). You can get the 27 digital products without the physical box for 18 bucks.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Indiegogo - Beware the Yule Cat (OSE, C&C, and 5e)

I do enjoy a good holiday-themed adventure to read and even occasionally play ;) Frog God Games has had a strong run of amazing Christmas-themed adventures, and Beware the Yule Cat looks like it will hit a similar high water mark as its predecessors. 

Beware the Yule Cat is 12 bucks in PDF or 24 bucks (plus shipping) for print plus PDF. There is a Print on Demand option for those overseas looking to potentially save a bit on overseas shipping.

You all know the cat of Christmas

— that cat was huge and fat.

No one knew where he came from

nor where he was at.

Night is falling across the frozen plains of the Northlands. It's Yule Eve, but you're tired, hungry, and footsore. Ahead lies the village of Köldhorn — Cold Corners in the Common tongue — where you are sure to find warmth, food, and shelter, especially on this festive night. But upon arrival you find the streets deserted, and the villagers hidden behind locked doors. Soon, you realize that you've inadvertently found yourselves in the middle of a generations-long struggle between the people of Cold Corners and the evil fae troll Grýla, her husband Leppalúði, their sons the mischievous Jólasveinar — or Yule Lads — and worst of all her favorite pet, the fierce Jólakötturinn, better known as the Yule Cat.


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Monday, November 14, 2022

Humble Bundle - Digital Board Games (Ticket to Ride, Small World, Carcassonne and more)

If you just want the core of each board game, then the $6 price point is your sweet spot for the Digital Board Game Bundle. You get the core game for each of the following: Small World, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Blood Rage, Mysterium, and Splendor. For 12 bucks you add in a shit ton of digital expansion packs. At 15 bucks, you add Game of Thrones to the mix.

I'm going in at 6 bucks myself. OSX and Windows formats.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar  

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Support Your Local Game Convention

Support Your Local Game Convention
Here I am, sitting at home instead of attending a "local" game convention: LongCon. Unfortunately I had to be in wonderful Fayetteville NC, home or Fort Bragg and the XVIII Airborne Corps and I wouldn't get back in time to attend.

Work does come before play after all, which sucks 'cause I could've gotten a free room and maybe even a free badge. On the plus side I was able to do a little back-door support by picking up an unsold copy of the convention module.....well it might have been reserved instead of unsold stock. Not sure, don't care 'cause I get to donate AND get a module, so...win/win?

I like it when a small convention puts out a module. Even better if they do a two-part printing. 1st is a limited run & numbered version for the collectors and/or "deep pockets" that want to toss a few extra bucks to the convention. 2nd is a larger run that is more affordable and still supports the convention. Now if I can afford it I'll get one of both, but that's largely due to the "influence" of an old gamer buddy of mine who passed away a few years ago.

Long Con 2022 Adventure
Steve "Stevil"  Johansson, one of the D-Team for KenzerCo was a hoot to play with or under. He'd go off of these tangents, almost rants, that were just EPIC. One time I was on vacation and spending the day at the KenzerCo warehouse/office when Stevil launched into this slightly heated "discussion" regarding printed adventures. I really wish I had recorded this for posterity as ...it.....was...AWESOME. The gist of it was that there should be absolutely no such thing as a pristine copy of a published adventure. Adventures should be dog-eared, marked up, and generally abused by the GM....as they are used at the table. In short, an archived adventure is an unloved, and failed, adventure.

With two copies you can collect one, and play one. I don't run enough these days to really play one and when I do run some games I tend to not use printed adventures as-is, but often rather close to as-is. A few tweaks here & there go a long, long way.

I know I've always been a fan of the local game convention, and even some of the "Big Cons"....but not GenCon. Too expensive and way...way too crowded for me. I'm getting a few heebie-jeebies thinking about the crowds. The Origins Game Fair can be crowded, but not nearly at the same level for most of the event. Anyway, a big problem with these smaller game conventions is just the opposite: they are, pretty much by definition, small.

Just finding out about conventions in the first place is probably the largest hurdle. Small conventions have small budgets and commensurate small outreach. Hell, there is a small comic convention in my town this weekend, and I only found out about it this morning...... So what to do? For the real small cons....tiny even, you might find out from your FLGS, but you generally have to be very active in looking for these events. Don't expect their marketing to jump out at you.....

Now for the smaller, regional conventions, a better source might be TableTop Events, assuming they're using this popular service. You can search by location and try to be a bit generic. Search for "TX" or "Texas" instead of "Dallas", but don't expect to always find events on the 1st try. Here's a quick search for "Texas":

TableTop Events

You'll note that Long Con is listed on there, but you know what isn't listed? North Texas RPG 2023....and I've already registered for this event....through this website!

If you're lucky, there might be a "local/regional" website. Here in Oklahoma we have OKGamers.com, but you'll probably have to look around a bit to find your state/regions alternative.

Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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