If you follow this blog on a fairly regular basis, I'm sure you've seen me post about lots of different games. I like RPGs in general and the OSR in particular. Well, the OSR and some of the more modern games, like Savage Worlds and Hollow Earth Expedition.
Yeah, I have a problem focusing at times (as others have pointed out... heh).
I am focused now. My ACKS Campaign and related supporting material are the only gaming material I'm reading.
I'm lying in bed at night thinking of bits and pieces to add to the campaign to make things just a bit alive for the PCs and their players.
I'm working out customized encounter tables and trying to populate some areas of interest for the party.
Yep, I'm focused now ;)
1984: Middle-earth Role Playing
1974 is an important year for the gaming hobby. It is the year that Dungeons
& Dragons was introduced, the original RPG from which all other RPGs would
1 hour ago
That's a good feeling, to be dialed into a genre/system. Good luck with the game!