Tuesday, March 6, 2018

GM's Day Sale - Tavern OSR Pick Day 4 - Designers & Dragons Complete [BUNDLE]

If you want the history of the RPG hobby, not just D&D or TSR, then Designers & Dragons is what you need to be reading.

Seriously, its that good.

10.95 gets you all four volumes of Designers & Dragons in PDF, Mobi and ePub, so you can read on your tablet, your Kindle, your computer screen, your ebook readers - you're covered from the 1970's through the 2000's. Did I mention it includes a 5th book now - its an appendix with essays. Heck, I don't even have the appendix. 42.50 if the collection is bought individually, normal bundle price is about 28.50, you can get it all for less than 11 bucks.

If you don't have Designers & Dragons yet, you really should think about snagging a copy of the collection.

There is also a GM's Day Tips & Tools [BUNDLE] for 7.95 and a GM's Day Worldbuilder [BUNDLE] for 5.95

Yep, those are affiliate links above. By making purchases via The Tavern's affiliate links you help keep the lights on. Its much appreciated.

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