Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Unwritten Agreement that is a Convention Game

The Unwritten Agreement that is a Convention Game
Last night I was in a small group helping our GM in prepping for an up-coming convention game. We're playtesting some rules and helping him tweak the adventure. After we were done with what bit of the game we had managed (it was largely a character creation and rule dissemination session) the GM asked what we felt about the adventure setup and  how the beginning/intro went.

Now I've got quite a bit of tournament/convention game experience under my belt, not only as a player, but as a writer and even organizer. I can honestly say I've seen some shit. Good shit, bad shit, and the HUGE gambit of the in-between....especially as it pertains to setting up the game/session for a convention.

Oooof....I've got stories upon stories here, but I'll spare you for the most part. The thing is, at it's core, the setup for a convention game isn't nearly as important as you might expect. When players sit down at a convention table to play, they've already signed off on a whole slew of gaming parameters. They've already agreed to a system and a specific time-frame within which they make themselves available. This isn't a home-game where they have the freedom to whatever the eff they want. "Hey, let's spend 6 hours roleplaying spending all our gold on hookers and booze whilst planning which tomb to plunder next."

No, players are generally focused and in the convention setting a little railroading goes a long, long way. The GM doesn't need to convince the players to do much of anything, so an hour or so of role-play can easily be condensed down into a paragraph or two of setup flavor text. Actually from my experience, the setup should be a paragraph or two of flavor text.

Story Time (Example) 1: As an organizer I once had a writer send me, I shit you not, 4+ pages of adventure setup. A page for the table GMs I get, but pages of backstory, NPC motivations, and role-playing the pre-adventure.....ugh. Now that was bad, but what was worse was that the writer was sending me adventure updates as late as the morning of the convention game.

Story Time (Example) 2: I was playing in an online convention tournament that had absolutely no setup whatsoever. It was a HackMaster (4th edition) game and the way tournaments ran your PCs would essentially be plucked from your home game/wurld (this misspelling was a thing) and plopped down into essentially a new wurld to do a thing (the adventure). Maybe it was the Gawds, maybe not...who cares? You hopefully survive, do the thing, get some loot, and get popped back where you were plucked from. In this one online convention game my PC just gets plucked from the home wurld and dropped into a void. No outside stimuli whatsoever. Now as a player I'm like, "W..T....F!" Nope, that's it....I'm out. If I was at a physical convention table I'd have sat for a few minutes (at best) then just noped the fuck out. The GM wasn't too thrilled when I immediately informed him(?) that I was done, but as far as I knew my PC was dead. Well, dead or dying.

There is an unwritten agreement when it comes to convention games......players have come to play and they really just need to be pointed to the start so they can work through the middle towards the end. They are much more likely to take extra, even suicidal, risks with their PCs that they would never do in a home game, BUT they need a reason to do so....not much of a reason...at least a paragraph or two of flavor text.....

Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Johnathon M Thompson Memorial Bundle will be Ending Soon - Get it NOW!

Note: The Jonathan M Thompson Memorial Bundle over at DTRPG will be coming to an end shortly. The value is hard to beat and the cause is a good one - the family of a fellow gamer and small publisher. Grab the bundle before its gone - Tenkar

The following is reposted from March 9th, 2023

When I was at Totalcon two weeks ago, I found out that Jonathan M. Thompson had passed. I was blessed to be able to share the GoFundMe to help Jonathan's family with their related expenses. 

Today I'm sharing the Jonathan M Thompson Memorial Bundle over at DTRPG. Pinnacle took the lead on this, but there are dozens of donors of RPG material, including yours truly, as every purchaser of the bundle gets a copy of Swords & Wizardry Continual Light as well as 147 other titles for a mere 25 bucks. It's for a good cause in the memory of a good man, and I ask that you simply give the page a look and decide if the offer interests you.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Lamentations of the Flame Princess is Looking for Artists

I was talking with James Raggi last night, and he mentioned that he looking for artists and wondered if I knew any. I figured I'd take it a step further and I asked James to put together a short pitch that I could share here at The Tavern. Below is that pitch. As an aside, every artist I know personally who has worked with James has only mentioned the interactions with professionalism and respect - Tenkar

"It's time to update the Lamentations of the Flame Princess artist files. We publish dark fantasy, horror (cosmic, splatter, all sorts of weirdness), and historical fantasy tabletop RPG books.

If you're an artist, send an email to lotfp@lotfp.com with a link to your portfolio.

We are ready to commission a number of pieces immediately.

If I'm interested in hiring you for the current projects, we will be in touch. If not, your info will be kept on file for possible future projects."

                            James Raggi - LotFP

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Why is There A Lack of Alternative Digital RPG Storefronts to DTRPG?

Many of us have bemoaned the lack of viable alternatives to OneBookShelf/DTRPG for years.

Before OneBookShelf (actually, Roll20 now, if you look at your emails) merged with RPGNow, there WAS competition. Heck, DTRPG used to offer a "Free Game of the Week" (not a bad idea actually) in an attempt to lure customers to their site (some of these PDFs were protected by some weird Adobe security features that were a huge PITA). OBS kept RPGNow as a mirrored storefront of DTRPG for years.

There was also YourGamesNow. Never a huge site and barely used, I'm not sure many noticed its demise.

IndiePressRevolution has been around for years. Not sure how much use it gets from Old School Gamers, but I remember snagging Spirit of the Century from there a number of years back.

Lulu is an alternative, but it is a slog to navigate.

Frog God Games tried to launch a storefront for more than just their own products back at the end of 2015. It didn't go well.

Big Geek Emporium is a newer storefront that launched with minimal fanfare, or if there was fanfare, it missed my attention.

Venger has a post about supporting some alternative digital storefronts. Even if you have problems with the messenger, his message is the correct one - we need alternatives. We need competition. One company should not be the gatekeeper of the world of digital TTRPGs and PODs.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Kickstarter - Tragedy at Wood-witch Rise: An Adventure for DCC RPG

While I like the DCC RPG, I tend to like the adventures written for the system more than the rules themselves, and I run them on the fly for Swords & Wizardry or the OSR system of my choice at the time.

Tragedy at Wood-witch Rise is a low level (level 1 or 0-level funnel) for the DCC RPG costing 5 bucks in PDF and 10 bucks in Print plus PDF.

Tragedy at Wood-witch Rise is a DCC RPG compatible adventure for 5-7 1st level characters, or 10-14 0-level characters if you'd like to use it as funnel. It should take 2-3 hours to complete. The encounter takes place deep in the woods off of the North Road, about 2-3 hours north of Stennard. However, it can be placed in the woods close to any town or village. 

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

2023 Annual Charity Raffle for Feral Cats - Organized by David Baity

Sadie, our current feline daughter

A few words from your bartender: I am a cat guy. Always have been, and always will be, although marrying Rach also turned me into a dachshund guy too ;) My deceased feline daughter was adopted by my son's mother as a kitten (I inherited both when his mom passed) and my current feline daughter adopted Rach and me in 2020 (she was a stray that literally walked into our back door that October). I am honored to give some extra bandwidth to David's Annual Charity Raffle - Tenkar

(Edit-04/20- Original art has been added-checklist and pics below)

(Edit- 04/17- I'm including a list of prizes at the bottom of the post. Some great prizes have been added thanks to some very special people and I don't want them to be overlooked.)

(Edit- to share this post go to my profile and share from there. I wasn't aware you can't share a post if made in a private group)

If you know me, and/or you love cats, please take the time to read this post: 

Hey guys! Most of you know that I try to do something every year to help a local feline (mostly) rescue that really goes above and beyond to rescue cats and kittens who are on the street and are destined for a very short and miserable life. Paved Paws Animal League ( https://pavedpaws.com/ ) not only participates in the local TNR (Trap Neuter Return) program, but they feed several feral colonies daily, come rain or shine. Last year, the organization rescued 113 felines. We’re just getting into 2023, and they’ve already reached 65 since February (which means it’s going to beat last year, sadly). Right now, the rescue has 24 kittens, 2 teenagers, and 6 adults. They’re at capacity, and money for food, litter, and medical care is quickly becoming scarce. 

There are a few reasons why I do this every year, but the main one is to give back to a rescue to honor the best thing to ever happen to me that also came from a rescue. Sadie was my world and until it’s my turn to pass on to whatever lies beyond, I make it a point to help in the little ways I can. One way is by doing a raffle that offers some nice RPG items for winners to pick from. All it takes is $1 to enter, and you get an additional entry for each additional dollar you donate (for example $10.00 would get you ten chances to win). In anticipation of this year,

I knew my prize closet was getting shallow, so I asked a legendary artist in the field if he might consider taking a commission for something feline. San Julian agreed and sent two pieces of original art that serve as the main focal point of the raffle. I’ve added a handful of additional items into the mix in hopes that it might entice you to throw the cost of a cup of coffee into something that will go directly towards saving the lives of kittens and cats in my hometown of Greenville, South Carolina. 

To enter the drawing, please use one of the links below. Please consider using “Friends and Family” if you donate through PayPal. Remember to enter “raffle” in the notes of your payment so that your name and entries will be recorded properly. All donations are tax-deductible as Paved Paws Animal League is a 501 (c) (3) charity.

Venmo- https://account.venmo.com/u/pavedpaws

PayPal- https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/pavedpaws

The raffle begins tonight and will end on 4/30/23 at midnight EST. I will have a DCC celebrity draw numbers randomly at this time and match the numbers with a name. Right now, I have 12 prizes (shown below) to award. That number may grow by the end of the raffle. Thank you for taking the time to read, and please spread the word on the raffle. It really does help!




San Julian pencil sketch (batcat)

San Julian oil painting (white cat), 

Weird Frontiers package A (standard cover book, 5 adventures, character sheet pad x 2, dice tube, dice bag, t-shirt), 

Weird Frontiers package B (limited edition cover book, 5 adventures, character sheet pad x 2, dice tube, dice bag, t-shirt)

Metamorphosis Alpha: Epsilon City Kickstarter

Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea boxed set

Carnival of the Damned adventure and DCC dice

HUBRIS softcover

Dying Earth Kickstarter boxed sets

DCC rulebook (hardback) and dice set

Transylvanian Encounters hardback

Weird Frontiers digital bundle x 3 (everything I've published)

The shadows about hope adventure (2 physical and 3 digital copies) donated by author Mar Zio Marzio Muscedere

Judge Smith's tube of Boons and Hexes for Weird Frontiers RPG donated by Paul Smith 

Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition hardback donated by Paul Smith 

Atlas of Hyperborea for use with Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea donated by Paul Smith 

Conan RPG Players Guide hardback donated by Paul Smith 

Necronomnomnom cookbook hardback donated by Paul Smith  

Tournament of Pigs boxed set with stamps, sleeves, and a judges screen donated by Thom Denick of Weird Works LLC 

Star Crawl Classics Bundle donated by author/publisher Jonathan Snodgrass 

Tales of the Smoking Wyrm limited edition boxed set containing issues 1-3 all signed by the creators donated by Trevor Stamper

Original art by Del Teigeler from Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea donated by Keith Nelson

3 pieces of original art by Ballyraven donated by Keith Nelson

Wendigo art by Ballyraven donated by Keith Nelson

Signed prints (frogman) by Ballyraven donated by Keith Nelson

Devilskull art by Kevin Manklow donated by Keith Nelson

Snail god cultists Weird Frontiers art by Christopher Torres donated by Keith Nelson

Owl woman art for Weird Frontiers by Christopher Torres donated by Keith Nelson

more pics can be seen in the original post:

Monday, April 24, 2023

Bundle of Holding - GameMaster's Apprentice

The GameMaster's Apprentice was the Deal of the Day recently over at DTRPG (the same place your Wizard's Cabinet at Bundle of Holding is mirrored at) recently, and I heartily recommended it then, and I will heartily recommend it now.

The GameMater's Apprentice Bundle is 7.95 and is simply a great price for the resources you are given. For less than 19 bucks, you can snag a full set. I have much of this in print as cards, and it is invaluable for me as a DM

This GameMaster's Apprentice Deck Bundle presents PDFs of the complete GameMaster's Apprentice line of idea-generator cards by Nathan Rockwood at Larcenous Designs. For tabletop roleplaying GMs, solo gamers, or writers – for any creator seeking inspiration – the thousands of snippets in these digital GameMaster's Apprentice decks suggest story seeds, encounters, characters, and randomizers at the flip of a card.

For just US$7.95 you get all three 120-card digital decks in our Starter Collection (retail value $30) as DRM-free .PDFs and as separate .JPG images for use with virtual tabletops: the complete GameMaster's Apprentice Base Deck and the theme decks for Fantasy and the Age of Sail. We also include Nathan Rockwood's pay-what-you-want ALONe Solo Game Engine beta version and a free preview, available nowhere else, of 30 cards from the forthcoming Cyberpunk Deck.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $18.34, you'll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with five more 120-card theme decks worth an additional $50, including Sci Fi, Horror, Weird Horror, Steampunk, and Demon Hunters (a deck custom tailored for the Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors RPG, co-designed by GMA creator Nathan Rockwood but not included in this offer).

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Wait, This is a Thing? (World's Largest D&D Game)

Wait, This is a Thing? (World's Largest D&D Game)
Yesterday was the biggest game of D&D ever played.

I only know because a buddy of mine was telling me about his weekend gaming plans and mentioned this was happening. My initial thought was, "Oh he's playing in a big-assed tournament." No, no he was not. Him and the Mrs. were slinging dice at the single largest group of players sitting down to the same game, not a single adventure being played at 200 tables of 5 players and a DM, but basically one big-assed table of 1000 players and 200 DMs.

Wait...what? This is a thing?

We Geek Together World Record Game

Well according to the Guinness World Records folks this is a thing, and is so knew it isn't even on the website yet, but the hosts have a pic of their record on their Facebook page.

The session was four hours and a massive war front against an undead army lead and the PCs, all 1K of them, are the ad-hoc army of the Kingdom of Grand. It was called Dead Wars.

It was a 5th Edition D&D game, which I know next to nothing about and probably won't (not any OSR snobbery, just my buddy said he really doubt I'd care for it and I trust his opinion to not waste my resources). All I could think of is how much of a logistical nightmare setting things up could be, both in and out of game.

Still, kind of cool to have the chance to participate in a bit of history and maybe even find some new gaming friends. Unfortunately for most of us, this happened in Provo, Utah. Now I used to live in Boise, so I know where Provo is, but for the rest of the US.....it's a suburb (of sorts) to Salt Lake City. Of course your probably guessed that because most Americans can only name Salt Lake City as a city in Utah.

Now I don't know how far those Guinness folks want to drill-down, but I'm down for a big-assed 1st or 2nd edition game.......

Oh, and congrats to We Geek Together, you pulled it off.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

State of The Tavern Keeper - Covid Round 2 - the Colding

Rach & I had Round 1 of our Covid experience ringing in the new year in 2021. It was a mostly miserable experience, and largely resembled a nasty flu that lingered for over a week, and lethargy and sleeping 10-12 hours a night for the better part of a month. For me, brain fog lingered for a few months before slowly lifting. Not fun, but could have been far worse. 

Last Saturday, Rach got hit with a bad cold. I had some severe stomach issues on Monday, but nothing that would raise Covid flags. Rach still had cold symptoms on Tuesday, and with my mother's nagging (which is a prerequisite of motherhood) we tested Rach on Tuesday for Covid. She was positive. I was negative but started to have cold symptoms. By Thursday, I was testing positive.

No meds - we were both too far along for plaxlovid to be effective according to our docs, with Covid expected to last 5 to 7 days (Rach called her doc Wednesday morning). We were both up for a 40-minute dog walk this afternoon, although we have spent all of our energies now.

My spirits are high, my sinuses are slowly drying up, and I look forward to getting back into the swing of things next week. Maybe I'll go to sleep reading my ShadowDark PDFs on my iPad...

Friday, April 21, 2023

Deal of the Day - Demon Dog (Stand Alone Mork Borg RPG)

Demon Dog is a role-playing game set in a medieval history that never was. You play "Dogs", revenants that were snatched from purgatory by Demon Barons, seeking redemption and a pint. You're not a hero now and you weren't one before you lived, but you're possibly making things better, or worse, or at the very least less boring.

I must admit, Demon Dog looks interesting. I'm not sure if it would work well as an ongoing campaign, but Demon Dog looks like a fun change of pace for a one-shot or convention play.

Demon Dog is usually 17.50 in PDF, but until tomorrow morning, it is on sale in PDF for 5.95.

This book here, well, the PDF of it as that's what's here on DTRPG, its got Nightfall Games' splatterpunk style and dark humour, but they've cranked it up to 12 cause this here game is an ode to punk and the OSR revival. An' just cause we use words like "ode" an' shite, don't mean we didn't make an awesome game. Demon Dog is an irreverent game set in an irreverent age. It is MÖRK BORG, punk-style.

What Do I Get? 

A full colour, high-quality A5-sized PDF, including all you need to pick up and play Demon Dog:

  • 80 messy pages of background, art, stats and rules.
  • A brief look at the world and history of the Dogs. 
  • The six Demon Barons and their back story.
  • Background for the world of Demon Dog.
  • A smattering of locations for the Dogs to get drunk in and kicked out of.
  • Loads of creatures and baddies to stick the boot into.
  • Fun tables to chuck dice at.

Be sure to grab Eight Page Goose (it's the PWYW Quickstart you've been waiting for)!  

Demon Dog is based on MÖRK BORG, a fantastic lightweight and brutal system that gets out of the way as much as it can, allowing you to get your havoc on without getting bogged down with complicated tables and stuff. MÖRK BORG is a rules-lite doom metal album of a game in the OSR genre and Demon Dog takes the same thesis and applies it to the Punk aesthetic.

While iinspired by MÖRK BORG and is compatible with it, Demon Dog is a stand-alone product. You can smash together the ideas in both books or pull ideas from one into the other!


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Deal of the Day - Through Sunken Lands and Other Adventures

Through Sunken Lands and Other Adventures is one of the better OSR rulesets, bar none. Sword & Sorcery via familiar rules, it truly reads as if after 2 or 3 sessions, the rules will simply blend into the background.

Through Sunken Lands and Other Adventures is today's Deal of the Day. Normally 9.99 in PDF, but until tomorrow morning it is on sale for 4 bucks.

Danger and glory await the bold...

In the common rooms of the great city’s countless inns, in the bathhouses of the merchant quarter, and before the altars of a thousand gods, brave and desperate adventurers meet and make plans. They leave every day and seek their fortunes in the Sunken Lands.

Travel with us through sunken lands...

Lots of times, we want to play a roleplaying game but just don’t have the time for all the prep work involved. No more. Through Sunken Lands is a kit to make a motley crew of ruthless sellswords, gifted sorceresses, and cunning thieves, and send them off in search of gold and glory. Now we have this simple swords and sorcery roleplaying game that gives a group all the tools they need to play an exciting adventure in a single evening, no homework, no fuss.

Anyone with a background in OSR games will already be comfortable with the core rules of Through Sunken Lands.

• Inspired by the works of Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, and Robert E. Howard.

• Character Playbooks and Scenario Packs for play in a single evening with no prep.

• Player driven setting design for fleshing out the great city and the world beyond.

• A sample sword and sorcery setting: the impossible city of Jundarr and the Hundred Seas.

• Nine Character Playbooks, including the Spell Thief and the Eldritch Sorcerer King.

• Three Scenario Packs: the Mysterious Island, the Treasure Hunt, and the Wizard’s Tower.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Deal of the Day - The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck

I own a physical deck of The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck and I'd love to actually use it in game. I have played with it to generate adventure seeds, and it's fun and useful. I'm not sure I could use it to run a full session on the fly, but I may have to try at some point.

Normally 9.99 in PDF, until tomorrow morning The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck is 1.50 in PDF as DTRPG's Deal of the Day. I suggest at that price, you snag the PDF and if it seems it will be useful in your games, consider going back and grabbing the printed deck at 20 bucks.

The GameMaster's Apprentice is a genre-and-system-neutral deck of cards that can be used as either a supplement for traditional tabletop RPGs or as a complete game engine for GM-free solo or group RPGs. 

You can view the cards' complete instructions for free by clicking the preview link beneath the thumbnail above, or view the Quickstart Guide and a set of quick-reference PnP/PoD Instruction Cards here on DriveThru if you prefer (if you wish to purchase the Print on Demand instruction cards to keep with your deck, be sure to combine the order with the deck itself! They are only six cards, and DriveThru will not print orders that small). You can also scroll down to view the card overview image and watch a video of the cards in use! 

On each card is a set of fourteen individual randomizers; with 60 double-sided cards, you can generate literally millions of possible adventures, all without having to hunt through a book or PDF for a single table!

With these cards, you can:

  • Instantly generate NPCs with randomized names, motivations, and backgrounds.
  • Create random events or story seeds.
  • Provide sensory details or random loot for characters searching or stealing.
  • Run games without a human GameMaster!
  • And more--they even work brilliantly as creative writing prompt generators, and have been playtested by 9th-12th grade students of both English and Game Design.

If you want specifics, including examples of how to use the randomizers on the cards, the complete instructions are available in the downloadable PDF preview linked below the cover image/thumbnail, but you can take a look at the overview below to see the quick and dirty version of what is on each card, and you can view a video preview from the original Kickstarter that explains how to use the cards to run a GM-free game or generate a story for a traditional RPG. This video is the second in a series, so if you want to see the first (which details initial generation of the story), check out our website, www.LarcenousDesigns.com! 

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Monday, April 17, 2023

Bundle of Holding - Tiny Dungeon Mega (Tiny d6)

I'm a fan of the Tiny d6 system, which isn't a surprise, as I like my RPGs quick and dirty. I believe Tiny Dungeon was my first encounter with Tiny d6, and it's one of the few RPGs that aren't old-school in their roots that I grocked right away.

The Tiny Dungeon Mega Bundle over at Bundle of Holding is an amazing value. You get six Tiny D6 RPGs for less than 20 bucks, and for about 39 bucks total you add another 7 titles

Adventurer! This giant new Tiny Dungeon Megabundle presents many tabletop roleplaying games from Gallant Knight Games that use the streamlined, minimalist TinyD6 rules. These Tiny games play fast, have characters you can describe on an index card, and cover a huge range of genres: fantasy, space opera, superheroes, mecha, post-apocalypse, Wild West, pirates, zombie and Mythos horror, and, ummm, fishing. Can't forget fishing. And you can mash them all together, to play supers and imperious magicians fighting kaiju in an apocalyptic alien zombie-haunted Weird-West wasteland. While on a fishing trip.

Ideal for convention games, one-shots, and novice roleplayers, the tiny boatload of .PDF ebooks in this jumbo bargain-priced offer – intended especially for players new to TinyD6 – gives you everything you need for every kind of itty-bitty adventure. Pay a tiny US$19.95 to get all fourteen games and play aids in our enormous Tiny Starter Collection (retail value $94) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Tiny Dungeon Second Edition core rulebook (plus its Bestiary Deck, Treasure Deck, and GM Screen); Tiny Wastelands (plus its Enclave Deck and GM Screen); Tiny Frontiers Revised; Tiny Pirates (plus its Duel Deck); Tiny Gunslingers (plus the Poker Deck and Bounties); and Tiny Living Dead.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $38.31, you'll level up and also get our colossal Tiny Bonus Collection with eleven more games and supplements worth an additional $117, including Advanced Tiny Dungeon; Tiny Taverns and its expansion Tiny Taverns: A La Carte (and, of course, the Extremely Necessary Fishing Minigame); the newly updated Mecha & Monsters: Evolved (plus a novella set in that universe, Welcome to Paradise); Tiny Cthulhu; Tiny Supers and its recent GallantVerse Campaign Guide (plus the Tiny Supers GM Screen); and Tiny Spies.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Two Weeks in: D&D Honor Among Thieves


Two Weeks in: D&D Honor Among Thieves
So it's been two weeks since the D&D movie came out and I've been seeing a metric butt-ton of YouTube videos about it. A lot of reviews, good and bad, but I'd say at least half were "explanation" pieces trying to point out all of the D&D references or make me understand the ending of the movie.....I didn't know it needed to be explained, but whatever.

For the most part I'm so not a fan of having things pointed out or explained to me, but I did have one of these video slide-in behind the video I was playing in the background and I did learn something  that I will not outright share because spoilers and whatnot.

The real question I did have though was, "Is Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves" successful? Of course this depends on your definition of success, but I'm thinking along the lines of....."Did it make enough money to warrant a sequel?"

I've read online that the movie "cost" $150M, which....IIRC, is roughly 50/50 production costs and advertising.  According to Screen Dollars, the movie has made $37.2M in the opening weekend and $74M in the first two weeks (week three began on April 14th). Almost half of these sales are from overseas. Further reading online tells me, as much as these things can.....movie studios are known for doing weird math.....that for a studio to think a movie "profitable" it has to make 3x the production budget, so for the D&D movie that would be $225M. 

Personally I think that this movie might kill it with DVD/Blu-Ray sales, but that's even more fuzzy math I can't even fathom. What would be a better indicator is the drop-off in sales between the opening weekend and the second. "Normal" is about 40%, but 60% is considered problematic. This movie went down 47%, so more than normal, but not terrible......

....which not be a bad thing. The Super Mario movie is decimating the box office right now and John Wick 4 is doing twice as well as the D&D movie. If you factor in all of the box office shuffling because of COVID (yes, it's still affecting the movies and will be for a while)...well the jury is still out.

Sorry.....I started this post before I started my research, so let's look at some "critical" reviews:

Metacritic gives it a 72 (Generally Favorable)

Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 90% Tomatometer (Professional/Critical Reviews) and a 93% Audience Score

My gut says that the movie will probably be declared a success, but not make enough extra cash for Hasbro to pony up for an additional film in the franchise.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Deal of the Day - Tiny Cthulhu (Tiny D6)

I really like the Tiny D6 system. Finally, a non-D20 system that I can wrap my head around in my advanced (55) years ;)

Tiny Cthulhu is today's Deal of the Day. Normally 17.99 in PDF, but until tomorrow morning Tiny Cthulhu is on sale for 3.60 - 80% off!

The classic TinyD6 minimalist ruleset delves into the unknowable and horrible mysteries of classic Mythos stories inspired by the works of Chambers, Lovecraft and more!

Using the rules in this book, you'll be able to play investigators, doomed heroes, and classic cosmic horror characters of all types, from scientists and librarians, to WWI veterans, to mysterious guardians defending the world from the dark powers of chthonic entities! Tiny Cthulhu features a myriad of settings set throughout the world and history, ranging from prehistory to the Bronze Age, World War 1, modern day, as well as fantasy and the science fiction future! You can survive cosmic horror in any time or place! (Lucky you!)

Tiny Cthulhu features: 

  • Minimalist Corruption rules focused on aiding storytelling. 
  • New enemies, new Environment Traits to aid the otherworldly storytelling, and new rules for magic and tomes!
  • Support for Pulp-style storytelling! 
  • Support for Noir-style storytelling! 
  • Gadgets, steampunk themes and more are integrated into Tiny Cthulhu!


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Friday, April 14, 2023

Far West - Another 5 Months of Silence From The Most Skilled Avoider in Gaming

Far West. Infamous for lack of any sort of, well, anything. The forums are gone, and the Discord Server has an invite link that only lasted 7 days. You CAN set a Discord link to NOT expire, but it's obvious Gareth doesn't REALLY want to interact with his Kickstarter backers that he's been fucking over for over 11 years.

As of today, it's been over 5 months since the last Far West Kickstarter update, which is the ONLY way Gareth can actually be sure he's communicating with his backers.

We don't care about the fiction. Your backers want what they paid for back in 2011.

Gareth has redefined what a failure at Kickstarter truly is.

How many missed completion dates? You can check here: https://www.mutedhorn.net/far-west-delivery-estimates

But at least Gareth has time to tweet. Imagine if all those tweets over the last 11 years were put into book form. I'd guess they'd dwarf Far West in whatever size it theoretically releases in.

Of course, now he can blame Eric Trautmann for its further delay...

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Bundle of Holding - Hillfolk

I've always been intrigued by the Hillfolk RPG. When I used to listen to the Ken & Robin Talk About Stuff Podcast, Robin would often talk about the Hillfolk RPG. I simply never could justify buying a copy without a group eager to play in the default setting.

You can get the Starter Bundle of Hillfolk for just US$5.95 you get all six titles in this revived offer's Starter Collection (retail value $22.50) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete 240-page Hillfolk core rulebook and five "Series Pitches," short treatments that can inspire you to run DramaSystem games in other times and places: Encore, Iron Tsar, Narcocorrido, Sheep's Clothing, and Terminal X.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $15.15, you'll level up and also get this revival's entire Bonus Collection with ten more titles worth an additional $39.50, including the 208-page companion volume Blood on the Snow, a set of atmospheric MP3 music tracks, the handy Hillfolk card deck, and seven more Series Pitches: Art and Murder, Campus Desk, Honor Among Thieves, No Crowns, Niflgap, Promised Land, and a pitch exclusive to this offer and sold nowhere else, Do What Thou Wilt.


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Deal of the Day - Carcass Crawler: Issue Two (OSE Zine)

I'm a huge fan of Old School Essentials. I am also a huge fan of zines. Put them together and you have a huge winner. That's what you get with the Carcass Crawler series.

Carcass Crawler: Issue Two is Today's Deal of the Day. Normally 7.50 in PDF, but until tomorrow it is on sale for 3 bucks.

Issue 2 of Carcass Crawler — the official Old-School Essentials zine! Each issue is packed with new material for your games, including new character classes and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters, optional and expanded rules, referee advice, news, previews of in-development products, short adventures, and more!

In This Issue

New classes and races: Two new elf variants. The phase elf and the wood elf.

Item-based encumbrance system: A simple system for tracking characters' loads and movement rates, based on the number of items carried. (No more need to add up coins and weights.)

Town services: Guidelines and prices for inns, jewelers, money changers, and traders, including a simple optional rule for haggling.

Hiring retainers: Tables and extra guidelines for locating and hiring retainers.

Quick equipment: A set of tables for expediting character creation by randomly selecting starting gear.

Energy weapons: Complete rules for introducing high-tech energy blades and guns into your game, either as alien relics found in long lost treasure hoards or to accompany the sci-fi inspired classes in Carcass Crawler issue 1 (the hephaestan and kineticist).

Snake cult monsters: 8 brand new monsters: creepy undead, guardian constructs, and devious serpents.

The tomb of Aum-Pharath: A mini-adventure in the trap-filled ruins of a snake cult temple.

Adjudicating traps: Advice and optional guidelines for making traps a fun and engaging part of the game.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. 

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on AnchorYouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar 

Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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