I came home today and my son surprised me by moving most of his stuff into his new room. That also meant moving my old desk. It's old in more ways then one, and it weighs a ton. Needless to say, there was a large accumulation of stuff between the desk and the wall.
Found and waiting for me were:
Mad Magazine DVD Collection. I'll be popping this in shortly.
Campaign Cartographer 3 and Dungeon Cartographer 3 - I need to bootcamp Win7 so I can play around with these again.
RPG Explorer with Pathfinder datasets. Need to peek at this too.
Now if he only found my Claddagh Ring that's been missing for over a year...
OSR Commentary On MMD#3 Maximum Mayhem: Phantom of the Scarlet Heart By
Mark Taormino Kickstarter & Castles & Crusades rpg
"High on a fog-shrouded hill sits the ruin of the long-forgotten keep of
Lord Winslow Veymar, a cursed Death Knight. Bound by an unbroken vow, he
roams th...
4 hours ago
Finding treasure's is allways a good thing.