Gothridge Manor - Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day and Giveaway - You probably read that GIVEAWAY word in my title. I have been fortunate enough to have been selected to give away a PDF of the Complete S&W ruleset to one of my commentors...
..lapsus calumni.. - [contest] S&W: Appreciation Day adventure continued! - Continuing my S&W:Whitebox adventure, first post with a naked map is here: S&W:W Unnamed Tomb. What follows is the initial set up for the GM and an overview of the adventure.
Mythmere's Blog - S&W Day: The Warmup -Since today is Swords & Wizardry Day, I'm planning on being at the computer for most of the day. I'm extremely grateful to Chris Helton (of Dorkland!) and Erik Tenkar for setting the day up...
Semper Initiativus Unum - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Swords & Wizardry - Let me begin this post with a confession: I did not start out loving Swords & Wizardry. When it was first announced...
Acirema Mountain - playing the first Finnish RPG - Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day Comic Ad is here! - S&W Comic
Realms in the Mist - Well, for starters I think we need to send a big 'thank you' out to Erik Tenkar, Matt Finch and the gang at Frog God Games. Not only has Swords and Wizardry Appreciation Day proved once again that the hobby has been reinvigorated, I forsee many years of succes in the future! Now that that is out of the way, here are some house rules and variants that I use in my home campaign - feel free to steal anything you find, I hope to have some more - new spells - posted this afternoon...
Lost in Time - WhiteBox Rules! Plus a mini-adventure for Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day - It’s hard to compete with Otus but if anyone can… well, Peter Mullen is that man. His cover for the Core Rules is a thing to inspire awe, but the WhiteBox cover, with a pair of snaggle-toothed hill giants...
Machpants' Blog - Swords and ... Vomitry - Urgh, just in time for S&W Appreciation Day we have a bug in the household. This little *&$@#! started off with my older boys and has spread to me...
Jasper's Rantings - Elven Ranger for Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day - Well here it is, my contribution for Swords & Wizardry Day. It is my version of the elf for my campaign world of Lymdonshire.
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