Monday, December 5, 2022

It's That Time Again - Time to Prep for OSR Christmas!

It's amazing. Christmas comes around every December 25th, and yet I'm always surprised when December rolls around and I need to start getting things ready for OSR Christmas.

Well, I actually started getting things organized yesterday, over at the Tenkar's Tavern Youtube Channel. Believe it or not, we already have three new donors for this year's OSR Christmas and I haven't even approached our regular gifters yet.

This year, the gifts will be given away using multiple "aspects" of The Tavern's network of sites. I suspect the breakdown to be roughly: six days of gifts here at Tenkarstavern.com, four days will be given away on The Tavern's Youtube Channel (Likely on the Wednesday and Friday night live streams), and two days will be given away via the tenkarstavern.substack.com newsletter (we just hit 101 subs as I'm typing this - huzzah!

If you wish to be a donor for OSR Christmas - and this means I'm looking at you Third Party Publishers in the OSR, email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that gmail thing with "OSR Christmas" in the subject and we'll talk :)

If you wish to be gifted, you'll need to keep watching this space to see when things are kicking off.

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Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
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lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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