Saturday, February 15, 2020

Deal of the Day - Dark Streets & Darker Secrets

Today's Deal of the day at DriveThruRPG is Dark Streets & Darker Secrets. While not strictly "old school" in nature, it certainly has that feel. Without much work, you could probably emulate the Dresden setting or World of Darkness. For 2 bucks (normally 9.99), you really are getting a modern age horror RPG bargain.
Dark Streets & Darker Secrets is a Street & Sorcery Rules Light Role-Playing Game with an Old School spirit, just like its predecessors: Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells and Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells. 
It’s a game about modern adventures in the world we live today, only with a layer of supernatural weirdness and horror. Characters are people who have found out about the mysteries and horrors that exist in the world and have decided to do something about it, be it battle it, join it, or simply explore its possibilities in any way they see fit. They will battle evil cultists, corrupted ghosts, bloodsucking vampires, and frenzied werewolves, or maybe they will be the horrors of others. This edition of the game assumes the reader knows the principles of what role-playing games are and how they are played. 
What will you get with this book? Not only you will get a complete game system for urban fantasy, action horror and street and sorcery stories, you will also find tools and generators to create cities, neighborhoods, organizations, factions, NPS, monsters, ancient and sinister artifacts, complete adventures, which can all be of great help to inspire Referees of all modern games! 
So grab your leather jacket, a baseball bat and whatever you can get your hands on to put the bad monsters to rest and come explore these dark streets and unveil these darker secrets.
Yep, that is an affiliate link above. Affiliate links keep the beer cold and the taps flowing here at The Tavern.

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