I'm currently thumbing thru Villains & Vigilantes re-release, the Judges Guild Initial Guidelines book, Dark Heresy - Dead Stars, some Labyrinth Lord stuff, a pile of Chaosium releases, some indie game stuff... if anyone has a preference give a shout out below and I'll get to it. Otherwise, I slog thru as I slog thru.
If you read this blog and your not a Google Connect Friend... what are you waiting for? Giving out free PDFs courtesy of RPGNow to a random Google Connect Friend when we hit 40, 50 and 60 Friends.
Alright, officially off from work for five days. Time to get reading.
OSR Review & Commentary On Adtherpe's Natural Materials By Chuck Cumbow For
Castles & Crusades Rpg
" Adtherpe the Spontaneous collected all sorts of information on the
multi-verse, its natural resources and the numerous creatures that inhabit
it. Within ...
19 minutes ago
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ReplyDeleteReading Greg's super-massive mega-post on his blog about copyrights.