Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bundle of Holding - Scarred Lands (D20 Setting)

I was not a player (or a DM) during the "D20 Era". I was, however, a collector of sorts, and I do remember the "Scarred Lands". It's just that there was such a glut of D20 products being released those days that there were many lines I never had a chance to look at. Which is probably a good thing overall, but in the years between, I've heard good things about the Scarred Lands, although I still haven't checked it out.

Less than 9 bucks for the core and about 20 for the bonus supplements. Of course, the question then becomes, how well and easy will they convert to S&W and the like...

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be pretty easy to convert the setting to S&W. I ran some Scarred Lands back in the 3E era, it was fun....liked reading the books. I'd prefer someone to cough up a new edition designed for current systems (imagine a real Scarred Lands designed for S&W, 5E or hell even PF)....but this is a good deal for the price.


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