I never thought I'd be typing this 2 weeks after getting my URI diagnosis while enjoying Total Con, but here we are on the 15th day of Con Crud. Ughhh! I'm finally averaging over 4 hours of sleep each night this week - last week was consistently under 3 hours a night. No more snap, crackle pop coming from my lungs, but the wheeze still sneaks in after a couple hours of sleep.
Just as an FYI, I've been a miserable fuck with little energy to do anything other than sit and bing watch on-demand shows. It takes all I have to put together a short podcast and a quick post every day, although I do seem to be getting some energy back over the past few days.
To put thigs into perspective, the last time I left my house was the Monday after the con to see my own doc, who just confirmed what the Urgent Care doc said 2 days prior. If nearly 2 weeks effectively self quarantining sounds like fun, it isnt. That being said, I run short on breath when walking even short distances, so staying home simply makes sense.
This means re-punting Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day, yet again. I'm going to aim for the weekend of March 28th, 2020, as I strongly suspect next week will continue the slow but steady improvement in my health and energy levels but I literally do not know when I'll be back to 100%. Le sigh...
I've got a number of pending Fireside Chats to schedule for the Tavern Chat Podcast. I don't want to schedule anything until my breathing improves a tad more. Another le sigh...
For those waiting on me to accomplish things, and there are more than a few, I apologize. Apparently, I don't multitask well with being sick.
Hârn Regional Module (1983)
From the web:
HârnWorld is a realistic medieval environment for fantasy gaming. Using any
rule system, you can now create and plan your own quests and ad...
47 minutes ago