I was feeling very anti Lulu for a while. Back in November I ordered 5 copies of Chgowiz's Swords & Wizardry Quick Start. Either Lulu screwed up or the postal service lost it, but I never got my shipment. Truth to tell, it was probably the USPS... my local postal office sucks.
Anyhow, with the coupon code floating around last month for Lulu, I figured I'd give it a shot with a more expensive (and trackable) shipping option. Boy, I'm glad I did.
Got my 5 copies of Swords & Wizardry Quick Start, a copy of the new Revised Labyrinth Lords Rules, Swords and Wizardry White Box Edition, and Supplement VI The Majestic Wilderlands for S&W (but I'll probably borrow stuff for LL instead. Still waiting on the Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Characters to Arrive.
I own all the above in PDF, so to purchase again in dead tree version means I plan to get much use AND bathroom reading out of them ;) All are top notch on their own.
Under Chagrinspire
Sequel to d100 Underground entrances
This deals with underground passage types you can discover
Tunnels and passages a...
25 minutes ago