Under Chagrinspire
Sequel to d100 Underground entrances
This deals with underground passage types you can discover
Tunnels and passages a...
4 hours ago
Today (July 9th 11am US Eastern to July 10th 11am) this is the deal of the day! But we've also reduced the price of the other 6 5e Creature Decks we've made. (7 Total.) 4 Decks have all the creatures in the official 5th edition System Refence Document of the world's best known role-playing game. The other three decks have more creatures converted from other editions.
5e Creature Decks (PDFs Only) [BUNDLE of all 7 Decks]
5e Creature Decks (PDFs & Printed Decks) [BUNDLE of all 7 Decks]
5e Creature Decks: Aberrations, Fiends, & More
5e Creature Decks: Beasts, Oozes, & Plants
5e Creature Decks: Constructs, Giants, Humanoids, Undead
5e Creature Decks: Dragons & Monstrosities
5e Creature Decks: More Aberrations & Fiends
5e Creature Decks: More Constructs, Giants, Humanoids, & Undead
5e Creature Decks: More Dragons & Monstrosities
The cards are a deck of 58 cards (56 creature cards, one cover/checklist card and one license card). Note that one creature (the vampire) is split between two cards because it had a lot of game information.
The document is a PDF of cards set up to be printed at 2.75"x3.75" and trimmed to 2.5"x3.5". Also included is a second PDF with all the cards on 8.5"x11" pages, 4 cards per page.
The text on the cards is generally a 9pt font, but some cards have 7pt to 8pt font if the text wouldn't otherwise fit on the card even after shortening the text. (All meaning/game information was preserved.)
Steven Russell, my brother, was killed in an auto accident on July 5, 2016 . There are no words that can express the grief our family is experiencing. My heart breaks for our father, his wife, my children, his extended family, and his many friends that knew what an amazing man he was. Maybe the most heartbreaking, he was looking forward to welcoming his first child and being a father himself this winter. He was a man who loved life and lived it to its fullest. He had the most creative mind, had a passion for gaming and all that it entailed. He loved his family and friends with the same passion.
Your generous gifts and donations will help with the expenses his family is now faced with.
Thank youI'll be leaving this as the only post until tomorrow morning.
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We are back with a brand new show!
Join Vince and Erik as they are joined by two new co-hosts, Steve and Tim! Show topics include:
Adventure Path – DM ADVICE #1 – Cheating players
Monster Hunters – Goblins
What’s old now is New – Exploring limitations on what races can play a class
Presto’s Hat – Obscure Rules Chart