Frog God is running a sale through Sunday. these prices are hard to beat, and impossible to beat on the Razor Coast Bundle (one day I will run this) - a $180 value for $72!
Most is available for Swords and Wizardry (Fire as She Bears is Pathfinder only.)
My highlights would be:
The Rappan Athuk add ons for 2 bucks a pop.
Cyclopian Deeps Chapters 1 and 2 for a buck a piece.
The $100 Grab Bag for $60 (each bag contains a minimum of $300 in retail product.)
The Razor Coast Bundle I mentioned above.
Stoneheart Valley for $20.
Here's the email:
Tehanu, A Maze of Death, Fouché, White Nights, Sacculina (micro reviews)
Here are some very short reviews of some books I've read lately. The
one-sentence summaries (*in italics*) are not mine, but copy-pasted from AI
to save yo...
1 hour ago
Krista Webb isn't someone to cross. When she says "Get the inventory out of my office," it means Bill Webb has an excellent chance to be sleeping on the couch or in Leo's doghouse if this sale doesn't work. :)