This is a world where pretty much every fantasy race you can think of has been killed off. No halflings, dwarves or elves - but their ruins remain, as do their artifacts. It's an interesting twist on a humo-centric setting while still keeping (distant) roots to the usual fantasy tropes.
For me, I could have done with less space used on world history and more on the current timeframe, but I understand why it was done. The intention is to allow the GM to tweak the current setting to his needs. I do, however, have "lazy GM tendencies", and would have preferred a bit more in depth for the current timeframe.
The new classes added to the QUERP lineup are decent, and certainly fit the setting. I would suggest using the core classes from Querp (if you have it) for the majority of the NPC, as I suspect not every skilled character will be as specialized as the classes in Hammerax.
I do have issues, one minor, the other less so.
The minor issue is the warding of expo in half points and points, but spending it in whole numbers. This is a carry over from QUERP. You can easily fix the half point problem by doubling improvement costs, and awarding expo in whole numbers. The human mind does not like fractions.
The other issue isn't so minor. For me, it's damn annoying. I've bitched about this before, but presentation goes a long way, and artsy for the sake of artsy is not a selling point, and it pleases no one but the person who is being artsy.

So, overall Hammerax is a nice self contained setting for someone that wants to give QUERP a look, as everything you need to run a campaign is here - system, setting, a solo adventure and a group adventure.
That font would have looked better had they kerned the "A" to the left. But yeah, best not to pick anything that makes reading difficult.