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Saturday, May 6, 2023

Deal of the Day - GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing II (System Neutral Edition)

What can I say about Raging Swan's GM's Miscellany Series that hasn't been heard before? It is, quite simply, an amazing resource, both for game prep and for use in game, when your party zigs and you had planned for a zag.

Until tomorrow morning at 11 AM Eastern, GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing II (System Neutral Edition) is available for 7 bucks in PDF, half off its usual 13.99 pricetag.

Tired of your towns and cities being boring, bland places in which your PCs show little or no interest? Want to bring them alive with cool, interesting minor features of note? Then Urban Dressing is for you! Each instalment in the line focuses on a different kind of town and gives harried GMs the tools to bring such locales to life with interesting and noteworthy features.

This compilation presents loads of great features, NPCs and minor encounters to add to the towns in your campaign. Designed to be used both during preparation or actual play, GM’s Miscellany: Urban Dressing II is an invaluable addition to any GM's armoury!

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