Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Friday, December 17, 2021

OSR Christmas Day 6 - Second Speed Round (and gifts are awarded for OSR Christmas Day 5)

OSR Christmas. Never duplicated, but it should be. 

Day 6 of OSR Christmas kicks is another Speed Round. There will be one more day of OSR Christmas over the weekend, so three days over four calendar days.

You'll need to check back each day to see if you are gifted, as well as comment each day to be eligible to be gifted for each of those days.

Note, there are still unclaimed gifts from Day 1 and Day 2 of OSR Christmas. (Another note: I have emails from some recent gift receivers that still must be read and forwarded from Days 3 and 4. You are not forgotten, I've just been juggling many balls :)

The gifts being gifted below are for Day 5 of OSR Christmas. See if you are being gifted:

Emperors Choice Games and Miniatures is giving away Volumes IV through IX of Arduin (six books!), in print, to one lucky gift receiver (US ONLY for this package)

James Mishler


MCC "Seekers of the Un-K'Nown" PDF (anywhere in the world)

Mike Bauer


 DCC "Perils of the Sunken City" PDF (anywhere in the world)

Mark Goetzinger


Dare-Luck Club Perfectbound Rule Book (US Only for this)

Tom Cleaveland


 ONE $10 DTRPG Gift Certificate to one non-US commenter.


The above need to email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that Gmail thing. Put OSR Christmas Day 5 in the subject.

The gifts being offered for Day 6 of OSR Christmas are as follows. Note, you need to indicate if you are located in the US if you wish to be considered for a US-Only gift. Comments close at 10 PM Eastern 12/18/2021. Tomorrow as this is posted. Just under 24 hours to make your comment. Get at it!

Emperors Choice Games and Miniatures is giving away Volumes IV through IX of Arduin (six books!), in print, to one lucky gift receiver (US ONLY for this package)


 DCC "Perils of the Sunken City" PDF (anywhere in the world)


 ONE $10 DTRPG Gift Certificate to one non-US commenter.

Thanks to all of the gifters and to all those commenting. We are just about halfway through OSR Christmas will plenty more surprises :)

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern. 

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat podcast on AnchorYouTubeor wherever you listen to your podcast collection. - Tenkar 


  1. Happy Bloody Arduin from the elves of Los Angeles, USA!

  2. Merry Christmas from the United States!

  3. Merry Christmas from someone that's picked up a bunch of OSR stuff thanks to your reviews.

  4. Season's Greetings from Virginia, U.S.A.

  5. Merry OSR Christmas from Columbus Ohio!

  6. Thank you Eric for this lovely and thoughtful chance at OSR merchandise

  7. Merry Merry Christmas Christmas from the USA USA!

  8. Is Eric Tenkar my Secret Santacore? Here in the U.S.A

  9. California says Merry Christmas to everyone!

  10. Washington State here. Happy Holidays!

  11. Happy Holidays and greeting from Normal!

  12. Todd in the US check ing and wish all a great weekend.

  13. Christ is born! Merry Christmas from the USA

  14. Merry Christmas and Happy Crimble from the US

  15. Thanks for keeping this going - lots of nice gifts this year! Merry Christmas from the USA.
