Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Thursday, November 7, 2019

State of The Tavern - Preparing for the Swords & Wizardry Reboot / Boxed Set / Kickstarter

It's no secret that Swords & Wizardry is getting a new shiny coat in 2020. The plans that have already been discussed in public include:

- One ruleset to rule them all. White Box and Core will no longer be supported. Swords & Wizardry Complete will be rebranded Swords & Wizardry (yes, Swords & Wizardry Light will still be supported, but its an intro to the fuller Swords & Wizardry game).

- Boxed set. This has been asked for for years and I am eagerly awaiting it :)

- Digest sized and multiple books, much like the Orignal White Box. With room in the box for further digest-sized books.

Needless to say, Gamehole Con got my creative juices flowing. I have a list of projects I'd like to work on, with the intent of having some of these ready to go with the launch of the Swords & Wizardry Kickstarter. The list is fairly long, but the idea is with months before launch, if I work daily on whichever pieces inspire me that day, I'll have some of this ready in time for launch.

Here's the current list (I started working on a new Bard class last night). Much of this will get seen first here on the blogside of things. When released all would be in digest-sized. 4-page releases would be PDF only but easily printed at home double-sided and digest-sized. Note, it is very much an outline/todo list at this point.
New Spells for all levels (with Bad Mike) - I've been enjoying the process of rewriting 1e spells and creating new ones
Magic-user 1-9 (level 1 is done)
Cleric 1-7
Druid. 1-7
New Magic Items - I've been doing this for years and sharing here, but I've also been adding new items at convention sessions I've run
Unique magic
From Blog
From Cons
Relics? / Artifacts? 
New Classes - started the bard (and wrote a prior version of the class way back in Knockspell 6)
Elementalist - from blog
Flesh out for S&W (written for SWCL)
Demi-Options (race-based classes) 
New Creatures & Adversaries (I already have the art and a handful of creatures already written for the undead book) 
Undead - (with Glen) release as a themed book
Others - From the blog
Convert to S&W from SWCL
Also, write new ones
        Good, Bad & Ugly? 
Zine (heavily leaning towards monthly)
4-page digest monthly?
16 page quarterly?
Community (its been asked for - details still need to be worked out)
Tenkar’s Community graphic for releases from Discord Community publishers 
Adventures (looking at 4 digest-sized pages)

Pocket Settings (thinking more genre than setting with the idea of showing the versatility of the S&W rules)
16 page setting / genre books
Explore horror / swords & planet / sci-fi / sci-fantasy, etc
Could be 16 page setting / 16 page rules / classes / spells / etc 
Reboot Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day (this will be community-driven and probably timed to coincide with the launch of the Kickstarter)
Launch zine on said day


  1. Is there a Kickstarter already for this specific release?

    1. Coming up in 2020 is my understanding. Sooner than later ;)

  2. I only just now heard about this. Hype!
    I've really enjoyed running S&W Complete, and it's my favorite OSR D&D version.

  3. So looking forward to this Kickstarter!!!

  4. Has anyone considered including a B2 style module with the box? That is not just adventures but adventures with lots of notes for beginning GMs.

    1. Seriously! Maybe a revised version of Grimmsgate, with more commentary?

  5. Are the rules of Swords & Wizardry getting a re-write? Are y'all going to take any inspiration from the layout and design of Old School Essentials?
