Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Saturday, December 8, 2018

RPG Breakfast Club - Sunday, 12/9/18 10 AM Eastern - Anything and Everything about Artwork in the RPG Industry

Yep, tomorrow morning is a very special RPG Breakfast Club. Douglas Cole (Gaming Ballistic) and TheGlen are each bringing a special guest to talk everything and anything about artwork in the RPG industry.

The RPG Breakfast Club is a weekly event on Sunday mornings. Its a combination panel/chat hosted by creators in the RPG community. The lineup changes on a weekly basis.

You can find the Tenkar's Tavern Discord Server and the events we host using the following link:


1 comment:

  1. I take it these probably aren't recorded? It's fine if not. Would've liked to listen in on this one.
