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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Announcing the Tenkar's Tavern Monthly (more or less) Gift Box of What I Hope is Not all Crap Giveaway

So, thanks to various monthly crates, boxes, grab bags, Kickstarters and the like I have a shit ton of duplicates. Without a local gaming group to bleed off the overflow (and with a reorganization of my gaming collection revealing more of an overlap than i expected) I need to give some of this away.

Thus the announcement of the Tenkar's Tavern Monthly Gift Box of What I Hope is Not all Crap Giveaway.

What is that exactly?

Basically I stuff a Priority Mail box full of gaming shit, new and old. Some may be $100 game books, others old Judges Guild stuff, some Frog God adventures, maybe some 4e and Pathfinder, comics, cards, dice and more - listen - I need to clear space and this is what we are doing. 'Nuff said ;)

How do you get in the running for such a gift of goodness? Comment on this post by 8:59 PM Eastern time FEBRUARY 21st, 2018 (i left the date out). I'll announce the recipient on Tavern Chat around 9:30 PM Wednesday Night, February 21st, 2018. Note, I'm only shipping within the United States. Sorry, but I'm covering shipping and the goodies and International shipping is ridiculous.

I'll do this monthly so long as there are gifts to gift...


  1. I'll pass on being entered, but this is a cool idea.

  2. Consider me entered! Someone's overflow of gaming products is another man's treasure!

  3. I'm in, hoping that it's the Judge's Guild stuff that ends up in the box. :-)

    1. I know what you mean - they produced a lot of good stuff back in the day, and it's fairly easy to convert to almost all the OSR games available.

  4. This is really neat, count me in, please!

  5. I lost both of those top two sneak peaks in the "Great Basement Flood of '96" and know those are worth re-acquiring, nevermind what other cool goodies you might have to give away. Very generous of you.

    1. I feel your pain. I lost a ton of stuff in the Great Basement Flood of 2005 (made worse because the clean-up crew the insurance company hired never documented what they were throwing away - despite reassurances to the contrary - and I was recovering from surgery and couldn’t keep an eagle eye on them. At one point I discovered that they’d moved a couple of box loads of plastic and metal miniatures to the curb!)

  6. Sounds like a great thing! I'll enter and hope to win too. :-)

  7. I love both receiving mail and seeing crazy rpg books, so I'm in. :-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'd like to be counted in as well.

  10. I am in. Yep, I am subscriber to the other box of Tavern box of stuff lol

  11. Oh, sweet. Please enter me into the running.

  12. Why do I get the idea that this is a 4e giveaway?

  13. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

  14. Argh. Just missed it. I blame CST

  15. Free stuff is always good! This sounds like a great idea.

  16. Ah so the 21st not today? So we're all still in?

  17. Replies
    1. Oh, I thought it said just a time, not a date. I misread and assumed I missed it by an hour or so.

      COOL! I'm in (worst case, duplicates can be redistributed. I have a similar give away pile going to a local con (convention, not Whitman))

  18. Dang it, missed it by *that* much.

    (Yeah, I know the 21st, but I figure at this point, it is now a tradition.)

  19. I'm in. Always room for a few more additions

  20. The Illhiedrin Book is a great one to run with kids. So fun. But I only have it in PDF, please put me in the running Erik! :)

  21. I could probably find space for more, if chosen. (aka sjard on discord)

  22. Sure, why not. I'll toss my hat in the ring.

  23. Count me in! I love the 'Tavern and the Tavernmeister's gifts!

  24. This is awesome.. Hope to get myself some Tenkar loot!

  25. quite happy to participate in this one :)

  26. You’d think a free trade zone would figure out a way to have standard - or at least reasonable - mailing costs. As it is One Book Shelf typically prints and mails my RPG books to Toronto from the Czech Republic or Belgium because trans-Atlantic shipping is so much cheaper than postage across the US-Canada border. (Not so much for industry who routinely move parts and components back and forth across the border at negligible cost as long as they’re not using postal/courier services).

    1. That is insane. I believe you. But it's bonkers.

  27. Not trying to skew the results, but Monday is my birthday.

  28. What a great idea. Thanks for your generosity, Erik!

  29. Give me your crap Erik. If I have to read your posts it's the least you could do.

  30. I'd be happy to take some stuff off your hands mate.

  31. I'd be happy to add to my own collection of RPG bits and bobs.

  32. I would be happy to accept your cast offs. Now to figure out how to listen to a tavern chat

  33. Sounds cool. And a tip to international readers: use an American reshipping company!

  34. As a have-not-enough, I'll always take charity!

  35. Count me in :)
    And if you're afraid of shipping cost I've got a US address ;)

  36. Twelve more days of OSRmas, apparently. Just making up the rules as you go!

  37. I'd be interested. =) In case it doesn't show a name for me, I joined the Discord server as Scia.

  38. Very cool use of those extras. I'd love a chance.

  39. Neat idea--I'll put my name in the hat.

  40. Count me in too! Your surplus is my hoard.

  41. A guy could always use a good bit of overflow. Count me in.

  42. Always looking for new stuff. Thanks for the opportunity.

  43. The last thing I need is more stuff but... What the hell? Count me in!

  44. hmm not sure how to get this to put my name up. Eric N.

  45. Count me in! I need swag to give out to my game store gaming group.

  46. Great idea! I would like to be included. If I already have some utems, I plan to pass those along to friemds who don't. So I guess that is the rpg equivalent of paying it forward.
    Bill (not Frog God) Webb. Wefeleb@gmail.com

  47. Great idea! I would like to be included. If I already have some items, I plan to pass those along to friends who don't. So I guess that is the rpg equivalent of paying it forward.
    Bill (not the Frog God)

  48. Me! Me Pick me! I'll give your stuff a good home!

  49. Interesting, I had commented earlier but its not here. Oh well I love me some gaming stuff.

  50. You sir, are a mensch! Please allow me to plead for the mysterious box o stuff!

    1. Somehow Google keeps dropping my first name... It's Bob

  51. I never ever win anything, but I'll throw my hat in the ring here, as I could use some new gaming goodness...

  52. My brother (in a evangelical fit) sold off almost all of what I had behind my back (at least he gave the money to my ailing mother), so anything would be welcome, especially Judges' Guild stuff.

  53. Thank you for this very entertaining blog and your generosity is much appreciated!

  54. Count me in please. Good luck everybody!

  55. Please count me in - and kudos on a fantastic idea!!!

  56. I am proudly tossing my name into the helm, er, hat...

  57. Eh, what the hey. Enough folks have absorbed my overflows, I can offer to take some of yours.

  58. Please count me in but if any 4E product shows up in my mail box consider me your enemy for life.

  59. Very awesome and generous idea!

  60. Very cool. You are most generous, sir.

  61. A big box of RPG goodness, hard to pass up.

  62. I don't really need anymore RPG stuffs personally, but I know a lady who runs an RPG club for a school where she teaches special education who could put a bundle of these things to good use.

  63. This is really cool, thanks for doing this.

  64. Sweet loot, of course I am in. Thanks!

  65. Well, this is exciting, and who does not need a box of random stuff?

  66. Slipping in just in the nick of time! Random gaming stuff is my middle name - count me in!

  67. Too bad I'm in Europe :P Good luck, folks! Nice idea!
