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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

What the Hell is Going On with the New Vampire Game? Pedophilia this Time?

I'll be blunt - I haven't followed World of Darkness since the various first editions. So when this was brought to my attention by David Knighthawk from the GamersonGamers Youtube Channel I thought "no fucking way!"

Wow. Way.

Whatever drama Zak S. brought to White Wolf pales compared to these throwaway pedophilia pieces. You want bad publicity for RPGs? White Wolf has you covered.

Right. So, vampire kids "could be" 100s of years old. Or 5. Doesn't matter. Amelina is pedophile, pure and simple. You're meant to roleplay this character? In a campaign?

There is a line between edgy and sick. It isn't fine or thin. It isn't indistinct. Its pretty fucking solid.

Yes, its only a game. Maybe it should be marketed to pedophiles. I'm sure they are an ignored market.

But wait! Maybe its taken out of context. Nope. Its actually giving you context.


  1. I don't know what children would be let into a club? In Amelina's case kid is obviously referring to late teen/early twenties. Also a vampire that is only a few years old doesn't mean a 5 year old turned into a vampire, it would be referring to a recently turned vampire.

    1. Exactly. "The young" vampires meaning newly created.

    2. Yup thats how I read it: Forst part is young vampires, not young humans.

      Second part is children as food certainly but no sexual connotations.

    3. Yup thats how I read it: Forst part is young vampires, not young humans.

      Second part is children as food certainly but no sexual connotations.

    4. And "Feeding restriction: Children and Young Teens" counters these arguments.

    5. "Feeding restriction" doesn't equal "Sexual preference" While the bite of a vampire in White Wolf is generally seen as pleasurable, its not as though there haven't been vampires who feed on children in Anne Rice's novels, or the plot of Swedish vampire film "Let the Right one in"
      In essence, vampires are depraved villains no matter the literature or how much modern culture tries to romanticize them. So any act of villainy shouldn't be seen as "beneath" a vampire as long as they get their food. It's akin to humans eating veal--very young cows.

  2. This isn't the first instance of beyond-the-pale behaviour of I've heard of for this particular rule-set. :(

  3. Well, the second one I think is actually referring to a vampire that has only been a vampire for a few years so (usually, given most vampire courts' distaste for embracing children) they will actually be adult humans but young vampires.

    As far as how this compares to older white wolf stuff, white wolf (back in the day, no idea if it still exists had a second publishing identity "black dog" that published all their stuff that was too risque for mainstream. They had demon worshippers, pedos, beastiality, fleshcrafted lady bits, many with illustrations. So no. Nothing new. They've been pushing the "too edgy for you norms" material since the beginning.

  4. The first example is nuts. The second doesn't really bother me. I see where they meant to go there. Granted after reading the first neither sounds awesome for a RPG. Definitely skirting the edges at best here.

  5. This seems too extreme to be literally what they mean. Surly, they can't be that stupidly insensitive to social mores towards paedophilia. Could perhaps the intended meaning of the references to "young vampires" been those young to being a vampire? As in a physical adult who has only been a vampire for a few years instead of a literal pre-pubescent child? Geez, I really hope so...

  6. The first changes some of the context for the second. Taken together, its simply wrong.

    This isn't edgy. Its disturbing.

    For further context on my end, when I active (working) I took a course in Sex Crimes and Child Abuse. Those that are abusers often find ways to justify their actions, even if their justification is simply fantasy. As an aside, I barely slept for the week I took the class. It was that disturbing.

    Thanks White Wolf for trigger memories of that class, much of which I suppressed over the years.

    1. I don't think you can conflate the two. Not the same vampire or clan and only one clan is saddled with a feeding restriction so it's not as if you can assume that they stack, which wouldn't make a he'll of a lot of sense anyway since they're "hunting" in mutually exclusive locations. I CAN see how once the one brings certain topics to mind the other can take your mind to an undesired location, but I feel safe in saying that's actually not what they were getting at since in the balli clanbook they actually had pictures of what you're thinking it's implying so its not like you'd expect them to be so subtle here if that's what they're going for.

    2. My apologies. That extra detail mentioned below that these are the exact same character (that I had missed) is critical here.
      In that case while the two aren't technically bound (feeding restriction applies only to feeding from mortals not vampires) it does make the connection much more clear.

    3. Are both excerpts from the same characters description? The first one looks like its just a generic character trait you can take, and it doesn't say anything about sex, the second one reads like its talking about newly minted vampires, not kids. Unless the first one is from the same characters description as the second one I don't see how it affects the context....

    4. Yes, they're both from the same character, and also if you play through the game and join a particular group, that character is instantly murdered by angry vampires because of all the children she's murdered while feeding.

      So, they don't think it's good, precisely, but they absolutely think it's a fun thing to explore as a player. Bleh.

    5. So are you saying non-active pedophiles will start fiddling kids because they saw or played this game?

      and, if not, what effect on the world are you specifically worried about?

    6. I think Erik's take is that existing pedophiles could be drawn to an opportunity to act out through the game. I don't think he believes it will create new pedophiles...but it could attract existing ones. Erik can correct me if I am wrong.

      In that sense...if Erik is right....it would make VTM a tougher sell to people who maybe prefer not to play with pedos, or worry their teen children could be at risk. Is there a reality to this? No idea. But I wouldn't indulge in this game for plenty of other reasons anyway, and I've never met a Camarilla LARP crew that didn't look like a test case for proving the financial security of local mental health clinics, so take that as you will.

    7. It is certainly, as written and presented, something that would attract players with pedophile tendencies. You (the publishers) are presenting a situation where pedophilia is accepted as a social norm.

      Most people with pedophile tendencies do not act out on the urge mostly to to the expectations of society, the societal norm. Here they are presented a "fantasy" where such urges are acceptable.

      I certainly would not allow my kids to play in such an environment.

    8. yeah, then thats creepy. Pedophiles as npcs is one thing, but a pregen is kinda f'ed up.

    9. White Wolf, if you thought our emo goth larpers ruined your gaming community in the 90's, we're back with extra bad touch.......

    10. Isn't it your responsibility not to play with pedos?


      Does Nabokov's Lolita create a situation where pedophilia is accpeted as a social norm?

    11. Its irresponsible as a publisher to present pedophilia in a positive light. For a company that share's a past with Ed Kramer (pled no contest to 3 counts of child molestation), that should be obvious. Or maybe not - they left Ed's preface from 1994 in the 2016 Kindle Edition Dark Destiny. Scrubbed him from the new cover though (I believe he edited it in 1994)

      Is there a Lotita RPG where you play a pedophile? Apples and oranges.

    12. I didn't ask if you thought it was _responsible_ --you already answered that question.

      I asked if it was your responsibility to keep pedos out of your game.

      Please answer yes or no.

    13. I believe that the scenario mentions that character hides her habits because they would be seen as vile and also there was a sentence about those characters being unworthy to live. So I don't think social acceptance is on the menu there.

      Anyways, it's a game about monsters and with the new WW being an European company, it was bound to be a little less Twilight and a little more Festen.

    14. Sure it's my responsibility to keep pedos away from my gaming table. The first step would be to keep material like this as far away as possible.

      Now how about a table that's a pick up group in a game store where the pedo is running this scenario for teens. Game store's responsibility for failing to vet either the game or the GM, or the publisher that put a pedo friendly scenario in a pedo's hands?

    15. So is it your assumption that a pedophile who has no interest in RPGs will divine that there's a pedophile character in the game and then become interested in them?

    16. I would argue that child abuse is not presented in a positiv light.
      The character description paints her as despicable. If one wouldn't have an issue with her mistreatment of children, she's associated with the vocal populist organization PEGIDA on top ("Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West").

      If a players views a character on the right-winged spectrum, who feeds on kids, hunts at a refugee home and abuses other vampires as something positiv,... it might be more a personal problem to the player than to White Wolf.

      The actions towards children are as well not painted as positive or even met with a normal approach. It pretty explicitly says that feeding from children will warrant a humanity roll or straight up humanity loss. To use the refugee center as hunting ground is mentioned to be only okay for characters devoid of humanity. Which is a reason why the character hides the center.

      There is one player character who has it in his agenda to murder the character at first real chance. Plus if the character goes to the Anarchs, the coterie will learn that she eats children and murdered half a dozen in the refugee center. With the character being executed (if none of the other characters speaks / stands up for her).

      It makes the whole thing quite a railroading exercise for the player who picks the char (more than the usual railroading the scenario presents). Though I don't see it setting pedophelia or child abuse into a positive light.

    17. Sorry Zak, I asked the last question. Answer it before you ask more of your own.

    18. As an aside, if you think pedophiles / those with pedophile tendencies aren't already at your FLGS, you are sadly mistaken. They are driven to such locations now like they were to arcades when I was younger. Like moths to a flame, they go where their prey congregates.

      By all means, give the hunter bait for his prey. I mean, its like making VtM "real", right? Now that's edgy.

    19. The Pre-Alpha Playtest won't be available in a FLGS. But only through the White Wolf blog. To make sure people who playtest it got the correct correct information and know how to provide feedback.

      I (still) wouldn't expect anything like that on a shelf, virtual or real.

    20. "Game store's responsibility for failing to vet either the game or the GM, or the publisher that put a pedo friendly scenario in a pedo's hands?"

      No, it isn't.

      So again same question:

      is it your assumption that a pedophile who has no interest in RPGs will divine that there's a pedophile character in the game and then become interested in them?

      And how is this "bait"? Do you think young people decide they would like to be abused because of this scenario?

    21. I told you my assumption - there are likely one or more pedophiles that frequent your local FLGS and the publisher in this case is supplying gaming material that makes pedophilia social acceptable to roleplay.

      Victims of child molesters (especially pre and early teen) are frequently socially awkward and looking for acceptance. They are not, generally speaking, strong willed. Your potential child molester may present themselves as a mentor. "Hey, I'll teach you VtM. I know the rules. You'll be fine. Here, play this character. Its already written for you. Just pretend you are her" . Because pedophilia is such a natural thing, a major publisher presents one as a player character.

      What background do you have in child molestation or pedophilia? I took a 5 day / 40 hr investigative course on the subject matter. I've interviewed victims and perpetrators (often themselves prior victims - its a damning circle if ever there was one). There is nothing more nefarious and downright evil than child molestation.

      I suspect but can not prove that this was thrown is for simple "shock value" - "Look, were so edgy!" For a company that has never fully severed links with Ed Kramer, I'm not surprised.

      If the antagonist was a pedo, if they were "the ultimate evil", there would be nothing newsworthy. By making the pedo a protagonist, VtM gets a decent amount of viral publicity. All publicity is good publicity, even bad publicity.

    22. To answer your question: being in the adult film industry, I know many former victims of childhood sexual trauma. I am not claiming superior knowledge to you, however, I am just trying to understand your specific fear of a specific outcome.


      You do indeed think that having a pedo in the game will make victims think being abused is normal.

      Why then:

      1. Does this apply to pedophilia but not all the other crimes the average murderhobo commits?


      2. Does this matter in RPGs but not in books (re: your comment on Lolita above) or presumably movies? Why, to you, is the pedo presenting a potential victim with an RPG and having them read it s much more dangerous than having them presented with any other work (Interview w/a Vampire for example) which has an evil pedo protagonist?

    23. 1 - Sexual abuse of a child is (in general): preplanned, driven by an urge to commit said crime, repetitive (the victim is often victimized multiple times over the course of months or years), secretive (with the victim told they will get in trouble if they tell anyone), often committed by a family member / authority figure (parent, uncle, clergy and the like) - murder hobo crimes are crimes of opportunity. One and done.

      Note: Child molesters have hell on earth when they serve their sentence in prison. For some it becomes a literal death sentence. Even those serving life for violent and vile act of murder look down on child molesters as scum not fit to live.

      2 - in RPGs you assume a character. That is the point to the "roleplay" aspect of RPGs. Books and movies the story is written. The reader / viewer is along for the ride. In an RPG, you - the player - drive the story.

      I do think we have come full circle on this. If nothing else, VtM has gotten their pound of free publicity.

      Closing this post to further comments.

    24. Wow...reading Zak's replies made me sick. As someone that Erik has studied, and Zak has apparently "encountered", I actually HAVE been molested. The fact that you are being so cavalier about your irresponsible depiction of pedophilia sickens me.
      I really debated whether or not to even start this...because unfortunately all it does is drive traffic to your deplorable garbage fire.
      I am going to quote a friend of mine here:
      There's a difference between horror and shock, and people forget the difference between the two. The problem here is mostly in, I think, the people who recognize that the horror of becoming a monster through one's actions is the point, and not playing a monster because it's a "World of Darkness". Because the latter seem to be the ones writing for the company now, rather than the former.

      A lot of the. Push back I've gotten is "I'm a monster, of course i'm going to do horrible things! That's what monsters do!" At that point, you might as well play FATAL.

  7. Replies
    1. Wow, never though of it like that.

    2. @Stephen Pennisi The Werewolf imprints onto a newborn.
      Which in Twilight terms means he is bound to her and basically kinda imprinted to marry her no matter what,...

  8. First one I'll give you as creepy.

    Second one is truly talking about newly created vampires, not mortal age wise.

    It's Zak S. Do we expect anything less?

    1. I humbly retract my statement then. Thanks for clarifying.

  9. It's from the scenario not the rules. Zak didn't write the scenario.

  10. In fact Zak is not credited for writing the alpha rules either.

  11. Also, it's shoddily researched. "Pegida", not "Pergida". It's just one Wikipedia search after all...

    The rest is disturbing BS because evil-darky-dark. Sigh.

  12. To tackle the very common misconception that's wrecking this discussion: those aren't two disconnected examples Tenkar has highlighted up there. Both of those points relate to the exact same player character.

    It's when you connect the two up and realise what that implies that the true shittiness of this character becomes evident. You're specifically told that you *only* feed off children and young teenagers. You also ended up accidentally blood bound to a vampire who was pretending to be a "simple club kid".

    You get blood bound to someone by drinking their blood - ie, by feeding. QED.

    And that's just the literal stated facts there. Works of fiction aren't just accumulations of facts, though; there's often metaphorical and allegorical stuff going on there, especially in White Wolf-y material.

    Vampire has strongly gone after the "feeding as a vampire is an intensely sexual experience" and the "vampire as sexual predator" parallels continuously from first edition onwards. It's very much a context where feeding and fucking are pretty much the same deal. It's kind of like how the Empire in Star Wars aren't literally stated as being Nazis, but all the aesthetic decisions surrounding them is essentially set up that way, right down to the mass collective punishments and the way the final space battle in the original Star Wars was basically the Dambusters run with a space aesthetic swapped in for all the WWII stuff.

    When you're talking about an influential shadowy political figure who pulls strings to get unsupervised access to vulnerable children, you really don't need to look too much into the subtext to see what sort of concept that's riffing on.

    The scenario outright sucks too. They emphasise that it's just meant to be a playtest thing to test out the game mechanics, but you'd think they'd want to test the game mechanics on something which was actually fun to play rather than a dull, arbitrary slog to one of various different varieties of pointless death. (Like there's Schrodinger's Werewolf there, who - no matter what route the PCs take - will pop up and murder them if they try to leave town on foot, and there's multiple instances where SWAT teams in helicopters would start just sniping at the player characters.)

    It looks like nothing any halfway competent Vampire GM would ever unleash on their players. You'd think that you'd want to start playtesting by making sure your rules worked for expected, intended best practice rather than some bizarre, incompetent edge case.

    1. Your QED doesn't really work. Feeding restriction doesn't apply to feeding from vampires, only mortals. Of course you COULD make a perfectly reasonable argument that if you have a preference for a certain type of mortal you're going to prefer the same type of kindred and that is 100% fair though I think as written they're substituting years as a vampire for age to make it a little LESS messed up. But then, they still call young vampires "childer" and there's a similar vast power imbalance so they're not moving all THAT far.

  13. It's bad. Harming children is always wrong and make pretending harming children is wrong too. It hurts people and you shouldn't do it.

    That being said, Western culture has been sufficiently debased that this will be overlooked - or even celebrated.

    I'm not sure this isn't child pornography.

  14. We have a hobby that glamorizes violence, theft and other criminal behavior, alcohol and sometimes drug use, and frequently prostitution and sexual behavior that some would call deviant. White Wolf - like the horror genre in general - tends to sail closer to the edge of all that then fantasy normally does. I think its a bit early to break out the torches and pitchforks.

    1. I don't know what game you've been playing, bud. But pedophilia/pseudopedophilia only ever showed up as something the villains did. Not PCs.

    2. D&D, lots of murder, theft, drunkenness and prostitution baked into the rules. Traveller, more murder and theft. Boot Hill, bank robbing, cattle rustling, etc.

      In Vampire the PCs frequently are the villains. They are almost by definition sexual predators.

  15. Well... Zak S.. stopped reading once I saw his name. I stopped caring about WoD when new came or back in 2010. The lack of care white wolf showed toward fans at gencon 2010 told me, get off that train and stop supporting. I even quit the podcast I was doing for them.

    1. That's honestly unfair to Onyx Path, who have put out some really good WoD stuff and they're made up of the White Wolf of old. Not the people who bought the brand.

    2. Then you must have read the whole Berlin scenario, which was written by Martin Elricsson, Ken Hite and edited by Karim Muammar. The name Zak does not appear anywhere within that scenario.

    3. Onno-- someone who "stops reading" when they see my name is obviously not intelligent enough to know how to read.

    4. I think if you had written it, this conversation wouldn't be happening and the result would be more interesting, the adventure less ham fisted.

    5. You may email such sentiments to tobias.sjogren AT white-wolf DOT com

  16. Here's the thing. I've always like the World of Darkness. Character like this could have been found even in the earliest editions of the game... but they were the BAD GUYS. The company line for Vampire has always been about retaining your humanity despite becoming a monster. This shit is just encouraging people to indulge in unhealthy, sick fantasies.

    I won't be supporting this edition from the new White Wolf, but will continue to support the books from the folks at Onyx Path.

    Also, I agree with everything refereeingandreflection posted.

  17. You can only get so close to the edge without falling over it.

  18. I am somewhat surprised by the surprise. Vampiric interest in teens and children is a staple of the genre. In Carmilla, the vampire takes an interest in a teen girl and that interest is expressly equated with lesbian sexual desire. In Salem's Lot, the first victims are the Glick boys. A child vampire, Claudia, is a prominent character Interview with the Vampire. This is generally true on the silver screen too; for example, Fright Night, in which a young teenage male is turned and a teenage female is targeted and is the subject of the vampire's carnal desires. The Lost Boys is another decent example involving a young child and teens. So it does not seem surprising to me that a game about vampirism would include these elements. I think World of Darkness is more generally objectionable. Vampiric behavior is vile - mind control that is analogous to rape and feeding that is assault at best. murder at worst; I don't understand a desire to roleplay that behavior at all. But it seems to me that the teens/children angle is of a piece with the rest and not remotely unexpected given the subject matter.

    1. Same.

      Not sure I'd choose to dwell on it at every table - some players will be creeped out by it, and some will get off on it, and neither is a reaction we necessarily want in our casual funtime make-pretend activities - but it's part of the symbolic territory we're working in.

  19. The ad at the bottom of this page appears to be an underage girl showing her underpants. What message is that sending?

    1. The ad at the bottom of the page is an adsense applet, it shows content based on information collected by google and saved as a cookie in your browser. For example, I'm seeing an ad for GlassesUSA down there because I recently shopped around online for new glasses. If you're seeing an image of an underage girl's underpants then the question you must ask is where have you been going that would cause them to think that you're interested in that? X_D

    2. The ad at the bottom of this page is displaying an ad for a USB drive for me. Remember: ads are catered to the audience using your cookies and browser history. So I see a lot of tech ads, Lulu print ads and B&N ads.

    3. So you're saying I'm misinterpreting and jumping to conclusions.

    4. I see an ad for MMO game called Warface :D

    5. Well I don't know what you're doing but my actual comment on this is below.

    6. My ad is from Sears. It shows seven yard tractors and one day lady in a bathing suit.

      LOL Sears, you rascally scamps

  20. This seems like typical WoD fare to me, but with the exception being that usually these are NPC writeups that are especially evil or irredeemable. I'm curious asto context....I have a hard time believing someone didn't review this and realize that a pre-written PC for a player that is obviously engaging in pedophilia is a bad idea. Sure, Vampire fiction is full of stuff like this, but a game would do better to set a boundary and then players can privately cross those lines if they so choose....and their group approves...and we can all continue to judge them disdainfully from a distance anyway.

  21. A lot of this seems to be projection and interpretation. I would never game with any group where pedophilia was a focus, but again, I don't think that is the point. I've also never been interested in the WOD either, though.

  22. Whoa! I read over the rules PDF a couple times, but haven't even glanced at the playtest scenario yet. If that's the PC's background, I think it's rather appalling. And not in a good "shock horror" kind of way.

    As everyone who knows me and my books can attest, I'm all for sex, sleaze, exploitation/grindhouse, darkness, being edgy, etc. but harming children and pedophilia is not OK with me and has no part in what I write. Even for an NPC antagonist, it's questionable.

    I was actually inquiring about licensing information regarding Vampire: the Masquerade, but now that I've read this, I don't think I want to be a part of that mess. Will read the pre-alpha scenario for myself, give it some more thought, and blog about it tonight.

    1. Holy crap when Venger is appalled then we know it's....genuinely appalling!

      Now I have to go buy your books.

  23. Maybe everyone should take a step back and ask yourself something. Did they do this on purpose because, as our modern society has shown, outrage sells? Maybe this is a marketing scheme. If so, THAT frustrates me as much, if not more, as making a PC who at least borders on being a pedophile.

    It also makes me wonder if Ken Hite had anything to do with the adventure? His stuff has never been in that kind of vein that I'm aware of.

    1. Good point....I agree, this doesn't feel like something Hite would write.

    2. Pretty obviously Martin wrote the club kid stuff and Ken wrote the government anti-vampire SWAT team stuff and nailed the mechanics.

      That said: Ken has no problem with edgy content. Qelong includes rape references and in Trail of Cthulhu he is like "Hey horror is supposed to be upsetting"

  24. White Wolf has been having issues all over the place.

    The Alumni over at Onyx Path seem to not like paying their writers: http://imgur.com/a/aDj92

    And Mark Hagan (creator of vampire) is getting into fights over the White Wolf issues: Check under the comment made by Holden Shear to see the rabbit hole.

  25. Vampire 5th Edition: now with 500% more dude bro.

  26. Background:
    I played the character in the playtest at WoD Berlin [only female one and I only skimmed the background]
    I ran the scenario on last Sunday

    In general I didn't read the character as being pedophile and assumed the sexual interactions are limited to vampires who are older than a child. I liked neither that the character abuses children or that the character is well integrated with a German populist right-wing organization while effectively running a home for (child) refugees.
    It wouldn't have helped, had I learned, that the character actually murdered some children (leading to a "you're dead" situation if you get to the Anarchs)

    As for the time I ran the scenario.
    I removed any mention of actual children. Thus I upgraded her feeding restriction from 18-22 year olds of middle eastern heritage. I removed and baby and child and made any pregnant women not pregnant.
    Which kinda worked, though the scenario still has some glaring weaknesses.

  27. In general, not sure if its mitigating.
    The character is obviously neither meant to be good in anyway, nor to survive the scenario..

  28. Speaking for myself, I don't think it's necessary to have a pedophile VILLAIN in a piece of light entertainment either.

    And anyone who thinks their RPG product is in any way comparable to the works of Nabokov, or even Anne Rice, is badly deluded.

  29. Anyone remember the Exalted The Infernals debacle?

    Familiar territory for WW

  30. A few thoughts:

    this is pure speculation but I would wager some of the same people who hand-wring over the City Encounters table in the 1e Dungeon Masters Guide are willing to give this a pass.

    This is not the first dalliance Onyx Path has had with this. There's a comic/graphic strip in one of the Exalted books about a child that is kidnapped by a bunch of Abyssals, the implication being that they're going to spend eternity being raped by the captors.

    WW has always been hand-in-glove with tasteless shit, it should surprise no-one that their successor is, too.

  31. A Dance in the Vampire Bund seems a lot worse than this in terms of taking on the 'little kid is actually a hypersexualized, century-old vampire" theme. I only played Jyhad but these themes seem part of the genre. The vampires are supposed to be horrible monsters and I think these are called blood puppies?

    1. You will almost always be able to find works that address a theme worse.
      While Vampire: The Masquerade is a tabletop RPG about (personal) horror you've been so far able to vary the monstrosity of your character. Ranging from slightly disturbed individuals to monstrous ones and maybe even not really bad people.
      Having a right-winged/populist player character who utilizes a refugee center as dinner place, feeds on children, has murdered children and physically/emotionally abuses (younger) vampires is a lot of specific monstrosity with an unusual lot of spotlight on children.
      Who are, within the scenario, irritatingly present (a baby and several minors).

      While you might have an occasional "child vampire" or sometimes themes of "child abuse" addressed, it isn't a focus of VtM.

    2. Is this an NPC? Hmm it's like they busted out the Tzmisce (sp) level craziness right out of the gate where I can imagine they make a war ghoul out of kids just for kicks. Again I know nada outside Jyhad about the actual rpg.

    3. No this is a pregen player character, in an adventure which I belive is aimed at new players who are likely to use a pregen. So this would default to being an intro female character. As for DitVB I'd say that's a bit differnt since its supposed to be more of a disguise. Although its still pretty gross. But one thing being gross doesn't excuses another :p

    4. It is not aimed at new players or officially published.
      It is aimed at people who know WW good enough and visit their blog and notice the Pre-Alpha playtest. Who basically want to try the newest edition as soon as they can.
      It is not a introduction scenario and not aimed at new players.

    5. Oh ok. Sorry I only have information based on what others have posted. Will it be official when the new edition ships?

    6. Sorry, Jennifer, but it's both officially published and aimed at old and new players alike. There was no warning of any kind at the places where the PDF is distributed. Did you see anything like "Noobs stay out!" or "adult content ahead"?

    7. @Venger Satanis: I thought it was only available on their one blog post. I totally forgot that they uploaded to DTRPG as well. :/

      Ah warning would indeed have been a very good idea..

  32. No. It is one of 4 pregens PC.
    The only female pregen on top.
