Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Friday, June 16, 2017

ConManKen - 1/10th the Popularity of a Deceased GameTable Making Company

Ah, sweet #ConManKen. The gift that keeps on giving, much like herpes and just as wanted.

Let me explain something to you that you probably don't understand as it involves numbers of all things - I can actually post results. I can post comparisons. I can post truth. You sir, are no more popular nor welcomed than a boil on an ass in 104 degree weather.

You are the standard of failure in the Kickstarter community that NO ONE wants to be compared to. You however, are not a failure because of incompetence (which you most certainly suffer from) or the myriad alleged diseases that you claim to suffer from but because of your outright dishonesty.

You might need to ask a friend to interpret the following for you:


  1. So, if I understand this correctly, I'm one of the 12 disciples of Tenkar?

    Does that make Erik OSR Jesus?

    I'm so confused...

    Maybe I have CTE.

    1. I've been called the OSR Taliban. I'm not kidding lol

    2. If that was theRPGpundit, I think he was referring to all of us.

  2. When you only see the world Black and White, I can see how you belive the bullshit you feed other people.

    You sir, do know the the options I had to choose from in the last two years, so pleae, keep judge me on your limited knowlege and make random assumptions and made up stories.

    Interestingly, when I do get kickstarters done, you will still be a stupid poo-poo face.

    1. That there is a well thought out and cogent defense, Sir. Textbook logic at it's core. Well said!

    2. Ken,
      For the record, could you please expand my knowledge and cut down the random assumptions by explaining - with some evidence (to eliminate any BS factor) - which stories are made up and what the true facts are?

      As a backer of the Troll Lord video KS, I would especially appreciate the facts and true story behind it's status, how we got to where we are with it, and the expected resolution with a step-by-step timeline.

      With the vehemence of the last post you made here, I am sure you will gladly except this request from an honest backer looking for the whole truth. As we all know: "The truth is out there".

      Thank you for your time.

    3. Ken Whitman, I know who you are and what you are from your Lske Geneva peak years. Yeah, that Games Unplugged molehill is the highest you've ever climbed. I remember you had Don and Margaret conned into making you manager of the Game Guild...until all of us employees threstened to walk out. We knew your grifter ways back then in 2000, & you've only changed for the worse. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when I'd heard Jolly and Kenzer partnered with you on KoDT:LAS; I figured Kenzer and Jolly had done their due dilligence and found you'd gone legit. I kept my concerns to myself as I followed a vow I made to never become involved in any business venture involving any Ken Whitman. Turns out I was right to keep that vow, but sadly my hope that you were legit stopped me from attempting to warn Jolly and Kenzer. You've been ripping people off since Tony Lee and the dog tag machine, remember that?

    4. Ken, how long have you been lying to people about Kickstarter completion dates? Hmm? How many people have you called cowards, trolls, etc, while still not producing the products that you were paid for YEARS ago? How many times have you puffed yourself up as an extra to try to line your pockets a little more.

      You're full of shit Ken, and you are fortunate to have stayed one step ahead of your victims so far. But that young lady in Georgia seems pretty pissed and perhaps you might end up in jail. If you do, I'll send you a nice fruit basket.

    5. Ken, you are where you are through no one's fault but your own. Your sins are greed and hubris.

      That being said, if you desire a platform to correct my "lies" you can guest post at the tavern. I'll post with comment except for the following: below was submitted by Ken Whitman. It is posted as is and without further comment. It does not necessarily represent the beliefs of the tavern". Ball is in your court Ken. I offer you bandwidth you've never dreamed of. Explain yourself.

    6. One thing I have to say for Erik is that he has delivered on every thing he said he would since I have been checking in on this blog. Which goes a long way and likely why his blog enjoys a great following of interested parties. And why new business and creative endeavors find him. Funny how that works.

    7. If and when ConMan (IkeepChangingMyNameBecauseIdoHaveSomeShame) EVER ACTUALLY DELIVERS a KickStarter, no matter how shoddy the product and how late it is, then, perhaps, he will begin to be relevant to our hobby again and worth our notice and comment. But for now, he is as worthless as he continually portrays himself. Let'S not feed this most odious of trolls. Block him with wild abandon. He lives on drama. I say starve the miscreant.

  3. I call bullshit. All the words here are spelled correctly. Grammatically it's a train wreck but that's still a huge leap.

  4. I like how he spelled your name two different ways. Just in case.

  5. Come on, Ken! I'm offering you the Deal of a Lifetime. A soapbox taller then you've ever dreamed. I won't even comment on your post either, I promise. (there will be a disclaimer explaining these are your words, not mine)

    All you need to do is show how I have lied about you or repeated lies about you.

    I promise not to correct your grammar and spelling - I wan't authentic Ken as does the community.

    Heck, if you can't disprove my "lies" at least list them. If I can't prove them I'll list them as "unsubstantiated" in a new post here, and if I can disprove any I'll fall on the sword and apologize.

    I'll even do one better. Complete and deliver ALL of your outstanding Kickstarters by August 1st 2017 and The Tavern will give you $500. It will be in RPGNow credit and you'll need a valid email to receive the funds. I will need proof that they are completed and delivered, but since you claim they will all be done by August 1st 2017, this is some low hanging fruit just waiting on you to snag.

    Yes, I put my money where my mouth is.

    You have 48 hours to accept the offer.

    Oh, and if you fail to complete ALL outstanding Kickstarters by August 1st, 2017 ANF you accepted this offer, you need to come clean, fall on the sword and admit you are... I leave it to the community to finish the sentence

    1. I'm sure we could easily get 10 people to throw in $50 cash or even 100 people to toss in $5. Kenny might only want to deal in cold hard cash. I'd be down for whatever because not even a snowball's chance in hell he'll make it.

    2. Someone else pledged 100 bucks. Offer now stands at $600.

      You know Ken, that could buy a decent amount of mind altering substances. Then you could IMAGINE all the projects were done.

      Oh wait, that's right, you need to actually complete them to get the funds.

      Here, I thought I'd help you save a few pennies:


  6. "...And I'm going to be back to talk about them Knight's Quest Card Game Rules."
    /Will Smith Men in Black voice

  7. Ken does not have the testicular fortitude to take any of y'all up on these offers. I really wish someone had hired a PI/Law firm to track this guy down and serve him papers. That's the only way you'll get answers, in a court of law.

    Beyond that he will hide, obfuscate, and run calling names like a cowardly yard bully.

    1. you would need a gamer friendly lawyer willing to do it for cost.

      i'd be more than happy to take a round trip and serve Ken if papers were issued.

    2. Why does it need to be a gamer friendly lawyer and not a lawyer out of Kentucky who handles Civil suits?

      I'm sure a GoFundMe would pay for the legal bills in a matter of minutes...

  8. I'd love to see him accept that offer. It'd certainly make for interesting reading.

  9. Ken you owe a lot of people a lot of goods.
    Maybe you should stop trying to score points with pithy comments, and live up to your responsibilities.

  10. This is like blog battle between Batman and the Trickster!

    1. Well if the other one thinks he's Batman, he would be Dr. Hugo Strange (he's bald by the way), instead!

  11. Tick-tock, Kenny. Tick-tock.


  12. Even if what he alleges were true and only a dozen folks read this blog - isn't 12 satisfied readers better than 12,000 pissed off fraud victims?!
