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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Con Man Ken is Offering Acting Lessons Tonight

Go figure, a time sensitive post.

Yes, none other than our very own #ConManKen is offering acting lessons tonight at 6PM in London, KY.

Remember, those that CAN - DO. Those that CAN'T - TEACH. I suspect this is one of those situations that falls squarely in the middle with the expected mediocre results.

I wonder if the lessons include: "How to accumulate your own film equipment using other peoples money?" Maybe that's in the Advanced Class...


  1. Getting acting lessons from an extra.... seriously?

  2. Wouldn't that be like getting acting lessons from Joey on "Friends"? ("Smell the fart" acting was the specific lesson I remember from that...:D)

    1. I was never a fan of that show (my wife was a huge fan) but the Joey Acting teacher stuff was pretty funny: "Think about doing long division in your head."

  3. As a former teacher (college professor) I'd like to think I can "do" better than this guy.

  4. For a moment i thought he was fending off the papparazi.

    1. Probably fighting off that big Vaudeville Stage Hook

  5. Looks like that photo is from this gem Ken made. https://vimeo.com/140602738

    1. Holy shit! He even forgot the " ' " in Knight's Bane in the opening shot!

      Pure Ken. That is the commitment to perfection he gives every project...

    2. Well all characters were "port raided" so you know it's good.

    3. That's the [very] rough cut of the Castles & Crusades TV "pilot" I think. From another failed Kickstarter.

    4. Lol @ port raided.

      he probably has no idea that it's even an error

    5. It is James. Actually it was Ken's attempt to do the movie on the cheap over a weekend. Writing is own unapproved script and ditching the one Troll Lord provided. The intent was to do away with scenes/actors that would have cost more time and money. He literally shot it over a weekend. A few outdoor scenes and the rest green screened in a hotel room of all places. When TL saw how bad it was they wouldn't let him release it. But we so proud of it he released it under a different title.

    6. You got that right, Tash. It was a running joke among backers because it appeared on every cut of KODTLAS despite people pointing out the error for ten months. Then it appeared in this film. It's obvious he just cuts and paste. I really do believe he refused to fix the error because he was mad at KODTLAS backers for giving him so much flak.

    7. I remember the Troll Lords publicly disowning it. At least they got hit less hard than the KotDT and Traveller fans, but they still got taken for a ride.

  6. "Act like you are going to give people what they've paid for."

  7. This guy is like the spiritual successor to Ed Wood. . .

    1. Nah, Ed Wood had class. He was an odd duck, yeah, but I don't believe he ever swindled thousands of people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars to chase his dreams.
