Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ken Whitman now Produces Commercials - Using Equipment Paid for by Kickstarter Backers

Ah, you really have to give it to Ken / Whit Whitman. Having burned every possible bridge in the film industry in Atlanta (Ken, how many folks are trying to track you down for services paid for but never fulfilled?) has now landed in the area of London, KY. I'm guessing Toronto actually has standards and that's why "Con Man Ken" didn't make it to our neighbors up North. Shame really, as I suspect Ken would have had a great time with the Toronto film industry.

In any case, Marcus King has gone "full enabler" now, which is a damn shame, because if it weren't for "Ken, I Allegedly Bilked Honest Folks Out of Tens of Thousands of Dollars to Make Myself Great" I've heard only good things about Marcus. But then he became Ken's Uber Enabler, and now, sorry to say, Marcus is going to have his rep tarnished by none other than one of Kickstarters most prolific con artists - allegedly.

At least backers know what their monies paid for - the equipment Ken is using for these cut rate commercials.

Here's the link for the commercial Ken did for Marcus. Aren't you proud of your Kickstarter dollars at work?


  1. Sunday Sunday Sunday - MONSTER TRUCKS!!!

    1. Did you really not like my commercial?
      So few retail game stores can afford to do TV Advertising, I was really kind of proud of it.

    2. I was just making a joke, Marcus. I had no idea what was to follow here. I hope it pulled in customers for you.

  2. Can someone just get a state's attorney to file charges already? Or maybe get some folks together for a class action? Barring that, are hitmen really all that expensive?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. question =/= threats ...

      like your kickstarter rewards, empty, and pointless

    4. Ken, you really have little idea how real life works, do you?

      There was no death threat. There is no inciting to mob violence.

      There is, however, misappropriation of funds. That's on you.

      I'd explain to you how the law actually works, but I don't think I can dumb myself down to that point.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. No problem. It will be good to catch up with them. Normally I'd see them at my annual requal for retirement concealed carry.

      Now, as you are so full of shit you must be choking, should we call EMS for you or Hazmat?

    7. Brother, I got a death threat today, police were called. Imagine that it happened, after this posting.

      Above you have a guy saying... Barring that, are hitmen really all that expensive?

      You think this is funny! You think you are above the law? Death threats?
      I am going to make sure, that the FBI, NYC Police, and several lawyers, fuck your world up!

      I fear for my fucking life! Any you sure are the #1 reason.

    8. Ken ... you know lawyers and police aren't going to respond to this.

      Just like I've accepted the fact that for whatever reason it seems no one is going to try to sue you for taking the KS money and running with it.

      I enjoy the stories of misadventure but at this point either side mentioning anything involving legal stuff is just chest beating.

      I get why Marcus defends you. Last person on the planet you've not really screwed over (although selling him resin ships you had not right to was a big of a screw over to Marcus). You saved his life ... he feels he owes you a life debt ... I have no issue with that. But Marcus cannot expect the rest of the folks out their money to not carry on the online vigilance to make sure that something like those 6 Kickstarters don't happen again or feel cheated when we see that money used for equipment to fund your lifestyle do so. I get that you see it as stalking ... but you've been offered so much help that you've rejected ... I long since decided you actually enjoy being the victim in the drama and play into it.

    9. Ken, show me a threat I've made to your physical well being.

      Pay your debts. Stop running cons. Stop making threats.

      You want the attention to go away? Right your wrongs. It really is that simple.

      As an aside, I know for a fact that driving privileges get suspended when child support payments are in arrears. Just how are you getting to these paying gigs with all of your equipment that was paid for by your backers for projects you never completed?

    10. Ken - you already have my address - you know, when you had your lawyers track me down and find out my net worth that wasn't worth suing for?

    11. Well well... Conman Ken is up in arms. Want MY address for a police report Ken? Since Tenkar didn't say a thing? Of course, no threat was made (seriously, ask the police, it isn't a threat) and you are a serial conman who has defrauded people for six figures so I think the likelihood of you making YOUR location known to police is pretty small.

      In addition, I watched your "professional" commercial. Pretty amateur mistake to reverse the image when someone has lettering on their shirt...sloppy. Good thing you work cheap for some folks while ripping off others.

      I await the call from your attorney. Of course, it will probably just be you pretending to be a lawyer....but we already know that right?

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Bob Brinkman Roselle, Illinois. Do I really have to pay the $15 bucks to find you?

      I have Tenkar already. I mean, you guys are in your legal rights? "Barring that, are hitmen really all that expensive?"

      You people scare me, and Im gonna end this right now!

    15. Ken, you asking someone to prove their on the up and up is like a garbage man telling someone that they smell bad. You are human refuse. I have done nothing illegal, you and I (and everyone here) know that. So I've passed you my info as requested AND passed your information over to a buddy on the West coast in the IRS CID. You know, to make sure you properly claimed all the money you stole. Those wheels move slowly, but Uncle Sam keeps on rolling along.

      You want to bluster and pound on your chest like a wounded, half-witted gorilla? You want to feel like a big tough guy tossing around threats of legal action? There you go.

      You are a charlatan, a conman, a thief, a buffoon, a half-witted child blundering about and making threats about which you haven't the slightest understanding. You sir are the shit on the sole of society's shoe. A blight of sad, angry, dishonesty that (in part) signals the descent of our society into barbarism and stupidity...the likes of which of yours is merely the precursor.

      So, I await the call from your attorney, with his bar # and his malpractice carrier.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. No Ken, wrong end of the country. You didn't need to spend $15...you could've just used google...or looked at your phone since I texted you the address.

      I scare you? Sounds more like the guilty conscience (if you had one) of a man who has stolen over $100,000 from folks.

    18. Come to think of it, I'm GLAD to have saved you the $15. You can send that money as a refund to someone you defrauded.

  3. UGH. As a video production person, I use Final Cut Pro X fairly often...and he used as many of the "baked in" effects as possible.

    Of course the turn-around was fast and it didn't cost anything - the product is about as cheap as doing it yourself.

  4. We should all call that number to ask for our KS money back.

    1. Or hand it over to the local state attorney's office.

    2. Heck, ask him for the $15 I saved him by sending him my address.

  5. King...that poor sad slob. He wont even feel Ken's knife in his back until it's firmly inserted up to the hilt.

  6. I think a real "professional" would find the glaring mistake at :025 to be rather embarrassing.

    1. I paid for a commercial. I got it fast and to my specs. That would be what I base my opinion on.

      Ken saved my life on sept 14, 2006.
      And you think I should turn my back on him for failed Kickstarters?

    2. They aren't "failed". The money was used for other purposes. This wasn't "Ken is a fuck up" this is "Ken found other uses for the monies than the purposes he told his backers"

    3. He ripped people off to the tune of six figures....there is a difference between backing a friend who has done you a wonderful service and enabling someone who has stolen over a hundred thousand dollars from people. Big difference.

      And seriously, the mistake at :25? Pure amateur hour. It is good to know that Ken saved your life ten years ago though, it means that he has at least once in his life done something positive...it still doesn't erase all the harm he has done since.

    4. Let me get out my checkbook, Bob. How much does Ken owe YOU? YOU Bob?

    5. What is interesting here is that I am one of the game professionals that Ken ripped off and watched as you protected him. Back on the GIN you made sure that anyone who talked about him felt your wrath. I get it. I also get the fact that he ripped me off for a print run a month before GenCon costing me the cash, my licensing contract, and a lot of good will.

      Casey Clark
      Spartacus Publishing

    6. Ken owes me $125. He's been promising it to me for over a year.

      Where's my check?

      Also, who says you can only call a thief a thief when he's stolen from you?

    7. Me Marcus? Ken doesn't owe me a thing, not even an apology. He owes my friends, on the other hand, a goodly amount. As vargrOne vargrOne has so artfully stated, "who says you can only call a thief a thief when he's stolen from you?"

      Ken Whitman robbed my friends, he has hurt people I know...and yeah, that isn't something I'm just going to forget and forgive while he continues to attack his victims (my friends).

      That said, you want to start writing checks on Ken's behalf? You can send the check you offered me to vargrOne vargrOne, he's owed $125. I'm sure he'll gladly give you his details and take you up on your kind offer.

      Honestly, if you are looking for a list of people to write checks to, Ken can probably just give you his backer's list. You can just write the checks alphabetically.

      I get that he saved your life...from your story that isn't hyperbole or exaggeration but a fact. That is important, and I get that. However, you aren't helping him right now, you are serving as his enabler. If you want to really help him, if you are REALLY concerned about his mental and physical well-being? Check my post below.

  7. Erik, I know you didn't expect any other kind of behavior from Ken. Neither did I.

  8. Marcus King is alright a pal but his business practices place him slightly above Ken. Not surprised but I hope Marcus puts some distance between him and Ken. As they say, birds of a feather...

  9. Anyone interested in chipping in to have him do a commercial disparaging himself?

    1. I know people who would do a far better job. Christophe the Insulter springs to mind.

  10. As I mentioned on another post, Marcus was selling resin ships that Ken pilfered from the Traveller KS backers (somebody posted pics of those ships for sale in Marcus' shop). That Marcus is promoting Ken as ethical and trustworthy doesn't surprise me, because I don't think he knows what those words mean.

    1. I just saw the part about Ken saving Marcus' life. If true, I can understand somebody defending their literal savior. That explains a lot.

    2. But, on the other hand if he is also selling pilfered resin ships...is he now also dealing in stolen merchandise?

    3. IIRC, he or Ken commented that the models weren't from the KS and nobody could prove otherwise so nyah! The part about proving it is technically true, but 90% or more of KS backers never received their resin ships which were identical to those provided by Ken to both Marcus and Noble Knight. Also, note that Noble Knight saw through this clever (not so clever) ruse and did their best to get the models that Ken sold to them into the hands of KS backers, taking an almost total loss.

    4. If the models came from Ken, and Ken ran the kickstarter, and the kickstarter hasn't fulfilled but other copies of the models have surfaced? I'd say that people could EASILY make a legal argument that they are from the kickstarter.

      ...the folks at Noble Knight? They live up to their name. Meanwhile, Ken is using an alias.

    5. Yeah, Ken (and by extension, Marcus) weren't really fooling anybody. The connection was pretty clear to backers and anybody else who had been following the KS implosion. The pics and Noble Knight's public statements on the matter clichéd it.

    6. Er. CLINCHED it. (Autocorrect)

    7. I'll own up to my mistakes, unlike Ken. I stated above that Marcus ignored the origins of the resin models Ken provided him with and continued to retail them. Revisiting old threads on another site, I have to revise that statement.

      Marcus claimed at the other site that he was working with Marc Miller to get the rewards to KS backers, so he at least admitted that the resin models were not his to do with as he pleased.

      Now, that having been said, no further followup was provided by Marcus, Marc Miller, or KS backers that proves this claim had any validity (unlike Noble Knight's case, which was verified by multiple parties).

      So, AFAIAC, Marcus did acknowledge that the models were not Ken's or his to sell, but there is absolutely no follow up to confirm his claim that he was working to get them to KS backers (who they DO belong to).

  11. Marcus, you paid money for this? Like real money!? Not pencil dice, or a KODT DVD? But money!? Oh yeah, the DVD and pencil die never showed up, I paid real money for them...

  12. Wasn't just the resin ships. But the Knights of the Dinner Table 20 years Cover books. Noble Knight sent those books to the backers who paid for them and paid out of pocket. Ken didn't even lift a finger when it was exposed. Nor did he offer an explanation why he didn't send those books to backers when they had already paid for them. But WE'RE the bad guys for thinking that was wrong.

    1. You're right! I completely forgot about that! I just remembered the resin models from the Traveller KS because somebody posted pictures of them in the wild at Marcus' store.

    2. I sent the books out to 120 backers. I have the USPS Receipts.
      But you should know this because YOU only signed 120 books.

      Oh wait, you busy trying to make people think I did not send out any. Gotcha, so you inciting the death threat I got today. Good to know. Ill be adding you to the police report tomorrow.

      Nice, to see when people fear for their life, that you think its business as usual.

    3. Ken, in all seriousness, get mental help. If not for your sake, for that of your kids.

    4. No sir, Im getting legal help and change laws so people like you breaking federal laws get whats coming to them. Lake Genava, Right? Tomorrow is the day my friend.

    5. Law enforcement isn't going to do anything you fucking nitwit. Nobody's post here was intended to be a threat, the threat most certainly isn't clear, immediate, unconditional, specific enough that it had serious intention and immediate prospect that the threat would be carried out. And finally you let fear isn't reasonable under the circumstances. If people are calling you and threatening your life report them to the authorities. But stop trying to big stick people you stole money from. You're a fraud. Marcus is your enabler. Karma will catch up with both of you. I hope that as customers learn what Marcus is enabling catches up to him. I certainly will never do business with and will telll anybody I can not to do business with someone who ignores and flat out lies and enables when it comes to a huckster like Ken Whitman

  13. The Ken Whitman posts never get boring. It's just too bad that the entertainment factor comes from reading the words of a serial liar and con man. Which means there are victims. My heart goes out to them.

    That being said, regarding Whitman and Marcus King, how did Ken save his life? I have missed this detail.

    1. see my post below, Mr. Fitz-Hume

    2. See mine Mr. King. If you really want to help your friend, it is honest and well-meant advice offered to you with zero malice.

  14. It sounds like the audio was recorded in a truckstop bathroom stall.

    1. For $300 you'd think he could at least pull the string between the cans taut right?

  15. Ken it's a matter of public record that Noble Knight had to send those books to backers who didn't get books. The paper trail is long and on the net for all to see. But nice try.

  16. I'll get you a specific count of just how many books were sent to backers once I find the links. You can follow along at home.

  17. You've got 99 problems Mr. Whitman. I'm not one of them. Good luck with that victim card.

    1. I am afraid incenting people on the internet until I get death threats. No sir, you are one of the 99 problems. Let's see how this plays out in the next couple days. I am done being bullied by you sir, legal action is intimate. I will NOT let this go on one day longer.

    2. Documenting your history of bad business =/= inciting violence, Ken. If your attorney told you that it does, you need to get a new attorney.

    3. um yeah. Good luck connecting the dots on THAT one Ken. I will anxiously wait at the door for the swat team and your lawyers. (rolls eyes).

    4. Dude, its not lawyers. Its a crime what you people are doing. Breaking Federal laws! Im not suing anyone, I stopping you people from bulling and threaten people! some of you will go to jail. You cant do this, its against the law! And Im gonna stand up to you people no matter how much I want to hide. This is scary shit, death threats and all.

    5. Doest this work of fiction have a title yet? "You people..." ..? So simply posting here and particpating in a discussion about your failed kickstarters constitutes 'inciting' mob voilence against you? S

      If someone did indeed phone in a threat then you have a number presumeably and you can deal with it and file a report. If you think you were legitimately threatened online - likewise. File your report. But you can't file a report against "you people".

      And you CAN'T stop people from discussing your six failed projects and undelivered project or the way you've treated peole who gave you money. Just doesn't work that way.

      One has nothing to do with the other. But good luck if that's your intent.

      When you take money and don't deliver people tend to get upset and want to vent. If I see a discussion on KODTLAS you can bet I'll particpate.

    6. 'legal action is intimate' lol.

      What year did you stop learning English at school?

      Jolly hasn't been 'incenting' (I guess you mean 'inciting' anything and any police officer who reads this will see that.

  18. Has Ken ever followed through on any legal threat, ever? He's been playing the victim and using 'I'm getting lawyers involved' since rapidpod and rpg.net.

    His legal threats are as credible as his claims about sending out KS products to backers.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I don't have a problem w/ Marcus at all. I met him twice and he seems like a nice guy, but to chalk up Ken's malfeasance and his complete lack of morality as 'failed kickstarters' is ridiculous.

    I get that he feels that he is in Ken's debt and wants to do what he can for someone that helped him when it was needed most. That's admirable, but recommending that others get involved in a business arrangement with a proven charlatan is the wrong way to honor that debt.

    Letting him sack out on your couch, hook him up w/ meals, recommending play groups, hang out with him; all good. But when you recommend people hiring Ken you're not just helping Ken, you're screwing everyone that reads that recommendation.

  21. Hee you go Ken since you denied the Knights of the Dinner Table Covers Book fiasco.


    I have to confirm with the guy who helped build the list of backers who were scewed out of a book who Noble Knight had to take care of but as I recall it was 20+ people.

  22. And the resin ships people pointed out.


  23. It's interesting to note you never ONCE explained the above nor did you lift a finger to help Noble Knight when they addressed the problem out of their own pocket/expense. But NOW = you seem to be taking credit for it.

  24. For the record I have no problems with Marcus and I know his reasons for defending Ken. We've talked about it. I get it and I'm able to put that aside. My sole problem with Ken is how he treated my friends, family and readers. As long as he keeps kicking the can down the road and maintains he's still working on the editing, I'll continue to remind him we've seen no evidence of progress for 18 months and counting. Not one second of new video. And not one peep on Kickstarter since July.

  25. Folks: I'd ask you all if you are TRYING to drive Ken to suicide? If you are trying to drive him to suicide, then by all means: Continue your tirades and your threats, your calling my store threatening the clerk that answered the phone (last night this happened), continue to harass people he works with. But, do so with intent. Because I am telling you he is depressed verging on suicidal.

    If you are not wanting a fellow human being who you feel has absconded with your money - to kill himself: Please stop the harassment.

    If your goal was to make Ken suffer: He has. He has lost friends, his children would not see him this Christmas, he's been forsaken by many, and has lost employment due to what people "like you" have done to him. He. Has. Suffered.


    My friend, Ken is not the only person I ever helped in the industry. Todd Downing I once organized a charity auction for after he lost his house - and I did so on only a weeks notice, and raised a couple thousand dollars to help his family. I did this immediately after he accused me of bootlegging one of his books (which had been rebound as a spiral bound book by a collector before I purchased it). A guy named John DuBois -who had defaulted on a little over $100,000.00 in debt to me- lost his daughter last year in a horrible traffic accident, and I organized a fund raiser to get him money to attend her funeral.

    I don't say these things to brag - though, to be sure they are some of my lifes most significant achievements. I point them out to illustrate that I help people. I owned Todd and John nothing, yet I was in a unique position to help human beings in a position to need the help - so I helped.

    I would help nearly any one of you who asked for my help. I help other retail store owners, I assist people with marketing strategies, and spend a lot of time acting as a consultant. And, I never charge for that help. It is my nature to help.

    Ken Whitman saved my life on September 14th, 2006. I had just been dumped by my wife, was scared I would never seen my son (legally, former step son) again, and my daughter had refused to see me on her birthday. I was suicidal. I was watching the movie Lethal Weapon, and had decided that when the scene where he puts a loaded gun in his mouth, and pulls the trigger - I would do the same.

    And, a couple minutes, at most, before that scene was to come on, the phone rang and it was Ken Whitman, asking me if I was alright. That he had been worried about me. We talked for quite some time. On the 26th of that month I attended the GAMA Retail Division Board Meeting in Columbus, and met my future wife, Colleen.

    Ken Whitman saved my life.
    And, I am asking you folks to take that into consideration.
    He is a man with feelings, has had failures, has made bad decisions.
    But, does it deserve to be driven, harassed and pushed to the brink of suicide?

    Because THAT is where he is.

    Please. Stop.

    Marcus King
    Owner of Games & Comics
    103 London Shopping Center
    London, KY 40741

    My cell is 269-832-3891
    My email is TheMadOx@madoxcomics.com

    I am not affiliated in any way with Troll and Toad, so please quit calling them and telling them you are boycotting them. Ken has never worked for troll in any capacity, ever.

    1. Suicide! "legal action is intimate"! Lots of hyperventilating going on here. Everyone just breathe into the paper bag provided in your seat back until the dizziness has passed...

    2. I can't speak for anyone calling your store and certainly didn't encourage anyone to do so.

      Is Ken off the deep end? Perhaps. It is why I seriously suggested he get mental help. Of course, he responded with "lawyers".

      Ken owes debts he has no intent to do good on. No one is making valid physical threats to his well being in these comments, but as the equipment he is using in his current endeavors was paid for by the Kickstarters he willfully failed to complete, I believe bringing attention to that is worthy and ethical.

      Ken saved your life Marcus. I think I can speak for everyone in saying we are glad that he did, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. His rants, his threats, total disregard of those that backed him, mocking the losses in the families of others, lies and other countless and willful acts that have harmed others, emotionally, monetarily or otherwise do not go away with that singular act of being a proper human being.

    3. At the point -someone- decides to harass a person they recognize is struggling mentally: THAT is going way beyond "being a proper human being"

      I realize that this has been an echo chamber to hating Ken.
      I have tried to bring a little light to the situation I have to believe that many people may not have thought of.

      I am not going to debate endlessly here. I realize that quite a few people here have not lost a penny to anything Ken has done, but they jump into the fray because they are trying to impress someone or they feel empowered by the protection of the internet. Those people are not being reasonable.

      But, I have made my impassioned plea. Everyone will do what everyone will do.

      But, those who call my store and threaten my staff will be dealt with by me. It is why I gave my cell number - so people who want to threaten Ken's employer can call me directly.

    4. Marcus,
      Let me start by saying, thank you for sharing your story. Suicide and suicidal thoughts are often stigmatized to the point where silence is literally deadly. That you are willing to speak about your experience shows the depth of your commitment to Ken Whitman. That isn't a bad thing. Sometimes all it takes to save a life is a well-timed phone call.

      That said, while most people here wouldn't stand in the street staring up at a ledge and chanting "jump...jump...jump", there are some who certainly would...and Ken's mistreatment of them would certainly justify it. I personally wouldn't weep for Ken's passing, but I also don't think his suicide would solve anything. So, as his friend, possibly his only remaining friend, the power to save Ken lies in your hands, not those of the people he has ripped off. Here is what you can do to save the man who once saved you.

      1) Convince him to get into therapy. As Ken has spiraled downwards he has displayed signs of a number of psychiatric disorders. Combine that with him being suicidal and obviously he needs professional help.

      Honestly? That's the easy part.

      2) Get him to come clean. Get him to publicly admit what really happened, where the money went, and tell the story. Doing that upfront wouldn't have absolved him of all wrongdoing, but people would at least not be treated as fools by him. Does this open him up to legal action? Yes...very warranted criminal and civil action. But if he takes the other steps below, that might be avoided.

      3) The Deck Dice Kickstarter took in $5,197. If working an actual job, even one at minimum wage, he can probably repay those people in a year's time. He should contact all of them, apologize to them, and begin making small monthly payments to them until it is all paid off. He should be open and public about this and all the following steps, because people WILL be watching.

      From here it only gets harder...

      4) The RPG Pencil Dice kickstarter took in $8,623. He can work on repaying those folks in 2018-19, but he should contact them immediately to let them know the status of his actions. Hopefully they will be patient.

      In both of the above cases, if he comes clean? Some folks might just wash their hands of it and be willing to call it a loss. If so, that actually reduces what he will need to repay. Being honest with people can have surprising results. In addition, he can sell the equipment that he purchased with kickstarter funds. He will never get retail value for it, but he can get something and use that to provide compensation. That he is using equipment purchased with stolen funds to support himself is a slap in the face of all of his backers and will never be accepted.

    5. 5) The Castles and Crusades "pilot" kickstarter took in $6,001. Repayment is certainly an option. I am not aware of how much of this project was filmed...because of that it could be lumped with 3-4 above or 6-7 below.

      6) The Spinward Traveller kickstarter took in $49,588. For starters ALL Traveller reward materials should be immediately sent out. No threats, no promises, no attempts to sell them elsewhere, they should be immediately sent out to the backers. ALL production materials should be handed off to another party (I'd suggest Jolly Blackburn if he is willing) to either hand off to someone else, or to find volunteers to complete and release the project.

      7) The Knights of the Dinner Table kickstarter took in $69,525. ALL KotDT reward materials should be immediately sent out. No threats, no promises, no attempts to sell them elsewhere, they should be immediately sent out to the backers or at least handed over to Jolly Blackburn. All KotDT production materials should be immediately handed over to Jolly Blackburn, with Ken's understanding that his name will likely be scrubbed from the project. If any credit is given to Ken it is out of the good will of Jolly Blackburn.

      Keep in mind that Ken has promised to hand over these materials time and again, and has used them to attempt to extort additional cash. You want to help your friend? This ends immediately. He surrenders everything, immediately.

      The gaming community is a pretty amazing one. Those projects may actually find themselves completed by volunteers simply for the love of the games and the community. Ken can literally do good by simply ceasing to do harm.

      So, if YOU really care about the man you call friend? The power to save him, the power to return the kindness he did you? It lies in your hands Marcus, not mine or those of anyone else. If Ken is truly your friend, convince him to step up, be a man, and for once in this whole affair, do the right thing.

      He took people for $138,934 Marcus. Honestly, he should be in prison and still could end up there. However, if he drops all his lies and threats, ceases his self-aggrandizing bloviation, and actually works to make amends? That can probably be avoided. There is no guarantee but, if charges do get filed, the fact that he would be working to make amends would probably also be considered by the court.

      8) Finally, he needs to openly and honestly apologize to all the people he's hurt. The people that he has repeatedly and viciously attacked. He may, or may not, ever earn their forgiveness but there is only one way to try. Come clean, make refunds, hand over materials, apologize, and get help.

      So, there you go. If he is really your friend, I think you might want to have a LONG conversation with him.

    6. Nobody should be calling and threatening anyone. And the joke above was imho in poor taste but Ken needs to stop threatening everyone

    7. I'm confused. Your LinkedIn profile says you currently work for Toad & Troll. And your store is listed as a Troll & Toad store on many websites. Is that information just outdated?

    8. Marcus, if you ignore that wall of text above (and to be fair it's not contributing any new information), then at the very least help him get some therapy. That seems like the most immediate hurdle to get over.

  26. "Well, you can explain your version of the law to the police, should be arriving soon."

    "You think this is funny! You think you are above the law? Death threats?
    I am going to make sure, that the FBI, NYC Police, and several lawyers, fuck your world up!"
    Anyone's world get fucked up yet? Almost noon Eastern. Chop chop.

    1. The imaginary FBI showed up at my home this morning with an imaginary warrant for my imaginary arrest. I served them imaginary coffee while I ate REAL stollen (Mmmmm.....) . They asked me imaginary questions about the imaginary threat and then got back into their imaginary car while shaking their imaginary heads in disgust at the actions of Ken (aka Whit, aka Pete) Whitman.

    2. Another day, another visit from imaginary law enforcement. This time the imaginary FBI brought the imaginary CIA and imaginary Secret Service...

    3. I wish you strength and perceverance through your ordeal. It must be terrible to know that K-K-Ken is c-c-coming for you. "Tomorrow is the day my friend".

    4. Imaginary police raid... we will rebuild.

  27. Marcus, if Ken is one the verge of suicide he needs to be checked into a hospital where he will be safe and can seek treatment. If Ken could show one ounce of contrition and humility the rage would subside. My biggest issue is that he acts and believes that he did nothing wrong and it's everyone else's fault and we are all out to get him. Where is his self reflection? People offered to help him finish the KoDT show if he provided the footage. He said he would. He lied. He needs to stop lying and take responsibility. I will forgive him once he does that.

    1. If he was on the verge of suicide, he'd have started a kickstarter for "Totally Not A Gun" by now.

  28. Obviously fake. Someone PAID Dr. Whitman and his Travelling Show of Wondermagoircal Potions and Fantabulous Elixirs for something, GOT IT, and was satisfied with the results? Poppycock, good sir!

  29. Two responses to the thread:
    For Ken: When it was discovered you had sold KS merchandise to Noble Games, I worked with them and we found many backers that never received their items from you. All told it was a costly discovery. Noble Knight Games shipped out for free KODT books your backers that they had paid you $850 for and Traveller ships they had paid you $1100 for. So total cost to Noble Knight Games was $1950 to help get product to your backers. To help out Noble Knight with this generous offer, I agreed to cover the shipping costs to send those items to backers and sent $2500 worth of my fastest selling product for free that they frequently ordered so they could recover the costs of shipping for the items (as well as some of the cost of those products). So for me that was $1250 worth of lost sales. So here were two companies that didn't need to but spent $3200 to help your KS backers. Something you've never acknowledged and in fact argue never happened. But yeah ... definitely this was double sold product that never made it to the KS backers that paid for it.

  30. 2nd response is to Marcus King:

    Marcus ... I find you to be a hard working and straight up business man. What I have seen from you show nothing but a massively strong work ethic and a desire to treat your business as serious as possible. I have never had an issue with you defending a man who saved your life. Totally makes sense to me and we've discussed it privately and I'm give you credit for willingness to help Ken in return.

    However ... when you ask everyone to lay off Ken there is a rub item that I've mentioned to you in the past. So many people and companies have stepped forward and offered to make these KickStarter projects go away for Ken and he refuses that help (often to the point of verbally attacking those offering the help). When you mix this with the extremely well documented history of how he took the KS money and spent it on himself in a variety of different ways or as above sold KS backer items for a double sale instead of sending it out to them and then throw in the all the verbal attacks Ken posts ... it makes it all appear that Ken WANTS to be the victim. So many have stepped up and offered to help and he wants nothing to do with it ... so it is difficult when so many see this and then see how Ken treats those who try to work with him to give him the pass you are asking.

    I totally understand what you are asking Marcus ... but Ken has laid a path of destruction from Rapid POD up to the folks in Atlanta without videos ... and with today's error of social media ... a lifetime of such events and the karma from it is circled back. There are exit points for Ken to fix things ... but he won't use any of them. If you want everyone to really do what you asked ... sit down with Ken since he will talk to you and get him to hand over everything to someone else for all 6 KickStarters ... every single scrap of anything related to them ... contacts, footage, accounting, everything ... full 100% disclosure and then have that person do what they can to salvage the 6 KS. The only way you will get what you are asking for everyone to leave Ken alone is for Ken to do what he has never done ... walk away completely and 100% full disclosure everything to someone to take over. If he would actually do that ... I think you could get what you are asking for.

  31. Oh and Marcus anyone calling your store and threatening them is definitely out of line and you should make sure that they are dealt with. If it was just a I'll never do business with your store ... okay ... that is totally unnecessary and I would hope such folks would realize that that accomplishes nothing and is probably actually hurting the cause.

  32. This is not about the smoke and mirrors routine, this time enhanced by a brand new faux side issue. This is about Ken's frustrating discovery that his con man routine is finally breaking down. It's breaking down because with the advent of social media he can no longer rip people off, run his usual sociopathic bluster act on a gamer forum, and then disappear for awhile only to then pop up somewhere else and do it all over again to a whole new crowd of suckers.

  33. You know forget what people are saying about Ken and what he's done.

    Just take Ken's own words. This link does a great job compiling all of Ken's lies, attacks and scheming over the years complete with links and context.

    THIS is why many of us have a problem with Ken. Not because he was well intentioned and made some bad business decisions (as he likes to spin it) but because his actions were very deliberate and calculating. He was smug and condescending when many of us warned him months in advance he was spiraling out of control when he launch six kickstarters and was producing nothing but mounting debt and anger. He once told me I was on 'crazy pills' when I warned him he was heading toward ruin and broken friendships.

    And now, after it all crashed and burned he plays the victim and maintains he 'meant well' and gosh darn it things just happened.

    Ken's own words tell the truth.


    1. 2007.08.31 - "Or find my 200 year old hotel worth over 6 million."

      The mind boggles.

    2. My favorite

      <<2015.07.28 Pencil Dice Update #44: "There were delays due to getting the product to look right. Product is still shipping from China, Retail Orders are on hold until we see first hand what the products look like."

      that is one slow boat.

    3. Maybe it is docked at the hotel?

    4. Its circling the harbor looking for the cruise ship Ken was on...

    5. BWAH-HA! You just made me shoot soda out my nose, Erik.

    6. But I thought the slow boat went TO China.

  34. So 3,619 backers gave the man money. Yet it's somehow MY fault (according to Ken) people are upset with him. BTW I'm a backer myself of Pencil Dice. And the only reason I backed it is because I knew it would never happen and wanted to be able to read the updates.

    By that stage it was clear to anyone payign attention Ken was launching kickstarters to backfill his personal debt and previous kickstarters that had had thier funding gutted.

    I'm sure after two years Ken feels it's all in the distant past and people should just move on and let him live his life. But he has to realize this is going to come up to haunt him anytime he starts to pimp a new venture. Especially if he insists on being combative/insulting to those he victimized.

  35. So from reading kens comments i get the feeling he is not a stable sane adult. I never heard or read a sane stable adult say stuff like that. It sounds like he is paranoid and delusional.

    Also hearing Marcus King say to us he that his store is being harassed is not surprising. I am not victim blaming but when you protect, defend, hire and support a person who several people consider a criminal and owes LOTS of people money and/or product then you kinda invite trouble. You cant expect not to get caught up in drama and problems if you surround yourself with terrible people.

  36. Somewhere between the second and third blog or website that people started about what a lying, thieving ass *I* am, I'd like to think I'd consider the possibility "Maybe it's NOT them."
