Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Final Swords & Wizardry Themed Flash Giveaway - 48 hours - The Dungeoneer Faced the Cyclops in the Deeps with a Saber & a Witch

I was right. I did get two shipments of the same Mythoard. Ah well, my loss is your gain.

So, what do we have this time (should be the last giveaway before OSR Christmas)?

Rappan Athuk Cyclopean Deeps - Part 1 - Down to Ques Querax for Swords & Wizardry.

Sabres & Witchery, a Swords & Wizardry hack from the Age of Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution and I great source for supernatural horror in your OSR gaming.

The Dungeoneer Issue 14 - the RuneQuest issue.

Comment between now and 1030 PM Thursday, November 3rd. I'm only shipping to the states, so if you are outside the states and get picked, I'll send you a $10 RPGNow Gift Certificate in its stead.

All of these giveaways should be mailed out by early next week,

Rach will be so happy :)

PS - The Swords & Wizardry Complete KS is coming to a close in the next few days. You ARE backing for a least a buck for the free PDF loot, right?


  1. Count me as a member of this away party.

  2. Rubbing my hands together counting all the gaming books I shall receive.

  3. Please count me in.

  4. Been backing the Kickstarter since Day 1.

  5. Count me in. Backing the Kickstarter

  6. Man, I miss my Mythoard subscription. So good.

    In for the prize (I hope)!

  7. Cool, a game by Simon Washbourne on top of other goodness. And, yes, I backed the kickstarter.

  8. Cat not included in this giveaway. Certain restrictions may apply. :)

  9. I, again, am in on this contest.

    And yes I backed the S&W 3E Kickstarters for $35. Can't wait!

  10. I, again, am in on this contest.

    And yes I backed the S&W 3E Kickstarters for $35. Can't wait!

  11. I'll toss my hat in the ring too

  12. We are ready 😉 Thank you!!

  13. This is my last chance for glory! Fingers crossed!

  14. Easiest decision I've made all day.

  15. I'm actually IN a Rappan Athuk S&W campaign right now . . . just saying you'd be helping a Fighting Man make it to 2nd level if you sent it my way.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'd like a shot at it if you please:-)

  18. How odd. RA is a nice toy. Your logins are symmetrical.

  19. Sorry, error corrected. Was supposed to read asymmetrical.

  20. Toss my name in please. Thanks again.
