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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

More Ken Whitless / Ken Whitman / Whit Whitman Dishonesty - Unloads Undelivered Kickstarter Stock at Noble Knight While Backers Still Wait for Thiers

The man who has put the "thief" back in the "rogue" class, Ken Whitman / Whitless / Whit Whitman (he has many names) has outdone himself again.

The books that the backers of the KotDT Live Action Series have been waiting for forever (it's in the mail - right, Ken?) have been found - at Noble Knight. Backers aren't getting theirs, but you can get your own copy at Noble Knight.

Way to go Ken!

So, how that movie career going for ya?

edit: I have it on good authority that Noble Knight had no idea and they are sending the books back to Ken


  1. Buying one just feels... _wrong_ in the wake of backers who never got what they were promised. Like buying something you know has (for lack of a better term) "blood money" on it. Does that make sense?

  2. What the Hell?? What a total Dick move!
    Why isn't in a Jail cell yet??

  3. Well for all of you who had written to your AG about Whitless, I know of ONE company who has a physical address for him. Noble Knight had to send the check SOMEWHERE unless he showed up and sold them out of the back of his caddy.

    1. I just sold to NK, and they snail-mailed me both the shipping label and payment check.

      Was actually surprised that's how they did it.

    2. He sold the books to them back in March. So even if they had a physical address ... it would not be to where he just moved to now.

  4. Sad thing is backers paid $30 more for theirs.

  5. Emailed Ken about this btw. He rarely responds but in this case he did immediately. He claimed NK doesn't have the books. NEVER had the books and that I should jut 'calm' down.

    Well - someone called NK and confirmed they still have 17 books in stock and received them April 2nd.

    Another case where Ken will lie knowing the truth is lying on the next page.

    1. Hey Jolly, Ive sent you a message via google chat in regards to this situation. If you prefer to communicate through email you can send me one at kxaproductions@gmx.com

  6. Um, wouldn't it have been better to send the books to Jolly, rather than back to Ken? Presumably with some sort of legal documentation.

    1. I sincerely hope they didn't send the books back to Ken/Whit/Witless/Pete (another nickname, see further below), because if they did, they are nit getting their money back, and that would mean that the books can be sold again to another unwitting reseller. This could go on forever. Plus, I bet it was NK's money that paid for his move to Georgia.

  7. Wow. This is a "Fuck all y'all" dick move if I ever saw one.

  8. I'm kinda stunned no one's parked a cab in his ass.

  9. Don't forget all those who have traveller mini's who never received them, you can buy them on Noble Knight as well:


    Beowulf's, Gazelle's, and Scouts in limited quantity!

  10. For what it's worth, D20 Entertainment items are still available at NobleKnight:

    I don't want to say anything bad about NK, as I doubt they were aware of anything wrong, and I have bought from there before with great results (they are helping complete my JG collection).

    1. Exactly - the books were given to them in April - well before Ken announced all books had shipped to backers (which didn't happen). They were duped by the Ken-Machine.

  11. Just looked over his IMDB page again, and noticed this:

    Nickname: Pete

    So there is another name that may come up sometime. Just sayin'...

    Ken at IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4452606/?ref_=nmbio_bio_nm

  12. Just want to say again Noble Knight did no wrong here. I have been in correspondence with them and I'm sadden they got left holding the bag here so to speak. They are likely out the money they paid Ken AND the money they should have gotten for moving the product.

    1. The question they have to wonder about now is what on earth do they do with product that was supposed to be part of a KS fulfillment. Do they (did they?) just box it up and send it back? Someone **please** tell them that KW has moved out of KY. This puts them in the middle of something with no easy solution. Talk about a Catch-22... Gee, thanks Whit..

  13. THIS JUST IN... Noble Knight is NO LONGER offering *ANY* D20 Entertainment products for sale. And "D20 Entertainment" no longer appears in their online list of Manufacturers.

  14. I wonder if Ken Whitman is related to Tom Ryan. Sounds just like the Myth and Magic fiasco.

  15. Here's an amazing update. Noble Knight doing right by the KoDT backers: http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?3032-When-A-Game-Store-Goes-Above-And-Beyond
