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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I Just Shook James Spahn Down for Some Insider Knowledge on Upcoming White Star Releases

Assuming you've been reading The Tavern or any one of a dozen or so other OSR blogs, you've heard about the amazing release of White Star, the Swords &Wizardry White Box powered scifi RPG. It made Copper on RPGNow in less than 10 hours and made Silver in less than a day. As I write this it is comfortably sitting in the number one sales spot at RPGNow.

There has been lots of talk about what's next in the White Star line. By talk, I'm referring to the new found fans of the game discussing what they want to see. So I asked +James Spahn directly - "What's coming up next with White Star?" Surprisingly enough, he answered.

There are a couple of things planned out in different stages at the moment, not the least of which is a new setting book (by new, I mean separate from the setting in the core White Star book.) I've been sworn to secrecy, so I can say no more, but what James has told me has me chomping at the bit.

Folks want encounter charts / tables. The community has spoken and it shall be so. It will be one of the earlier releases.

For those that want a peek before buying in completely, James is working on a Quickstart / Fastplay edition of the White Star rules. Perfect for the GM that wants to keep some parts of the core book away from players' prying eyes during the game session.

What else? Vehicles. There are some forthcoming. All I know. I know nuthink! ;)

Discount code is still active as I post this. Grab White Star for 20% off.


  1. He beat me with one of those mugs, folks. It was brutal. I had to talk.

  2. Did he let you keep it afterwards? Then it was bribery not brutality.

  3. You should have armed yourself with star sword!

  4. Not really interested in someone else's setting...have yet to find one I really liked. I'd much rather see more generic stuff I could put to use in ANY sci fi setting, like plot seeds, spaceship deck plans, spaceman gear, event/encounter tables, and so on, GM tips are always nice as well.

  5. Great news more is coming. I mostly long for more setting neutral stuff that is easy to adapt so we can play wherever we want. Especially awesome tables and such. Except of course if the setting is a cool license. Or alternatively: Strange Stars White Star edition please.

  6. Great news more is coming. I mostly long for more setting neutral stuff that is easy to adapt so we can play wherever we want. Especially awesome tables and such. Except of course if the setting is a cool license. Or alternatively: Strange Stars White Star edition please.

  7. A "xenobiology" section or supplement, where one could generate creatures with that 70's-ish sci-fi feel woud be interesting as well...

  8. @Erik and James Spahn

    Lots of buzz on White Star across the inter-webs. Why play this as opposed to Brave Halfling Publishing's X-Plorers? What are the differences / similarities? Any chance you all could do a side by side comparison? Thanks.

    1. I'd have to bring X-P off the shelf and read it again - don't recall much of it.

      If nothing else, WS is much more memorable and evocative. I can see myself running a Firefly styled game with it or stealing the classic Traveller setting or Star Wars - I never saw myself running X-P.

      That being said, I'll try to do a comparison over the weekend.

  9. Jesus Christ, when you get obsessed about something, Erik, you go for broke! Admirable, but if I was your mother, I'd worry about you. ;)

    1. It's hard to get any real work done without a little obsession.

  10. I'm not into Sci-Fi but I think the energy around this product (product . . . line?) is amazing. Pretty damned cool, including the access to the creator as the brainstorm becomes the inkstorm. Imagine being in that studio when Jimi Hendrix was noodling with a sitar for Burning of the Midnight Lamp. A total Genesis exhibition here. Killer.

    Are the guys down in graphics already putting the finishing touches on Tenkar's StarPort (Bar & Grill) shingle and site-banner?

  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again... a DM screen would be mint.
