Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Remember The "Overdue Kickstarter List" I Used to Do Mostly Monthly?

I think I'm going to try something different, as I want to highlight successful projects as well as point out the ones that are crapping out.

Something along the lines of "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" but with a more neutral middle ground than "The Bad" ;)

Actually, "The Good" would probably be looking at current Kickstarters that should appeal to a portion of my readers and bring possibly overlooked projects to their attention.

"The Ugly" would focus on the projects that fall into the Nystulian Abyss.

Maybe "The Collective" for updates on Kickstarters that have funded and haven't fallen into the abyss yet.

I'm open for input...


  1. "The Good, The Worthy and You Have My Sympathies."

    "The Successful, The Mentionables and Let Us Commiserate Together."

    "These Are Great, You Should Really Look At These and What Not To Do."

  2. A list in order of lateness is still good though.

  3. Just wanted to say that I LOVE the term "the Nystulian Abyss."

    1. Heh :)

      "The Good", "The Worthy, Timely and Not" and "The Nystulian Abyss" perhaps

  4. Someone needs to write up a spell entitled "Nystul's Neverending Abyss", but it would have to be done according to the Myth & Magic rules.

    1. Tom would have to be in charge of shipping, and then none of the casters would ever get access to the spell...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "The existence of this spell has been widely bragged about by the purported author, but no one to date has ever actually encountered it in any actual spell book."

  5. Name them after Planes. You've already invoked the Abyss, maybe Limbo and Valhalla?

    1. Heroes of Valhalla

      Tallying the Inhabitants of Ysgard

      Floundering in the Nystulian Abyss

  6. I definitely support the idea of mentioning worthy kickstarters; I don't generally find out about them otherwise!

  7. need to design new spells based on kickstarter failures - nystals vanishing horde, nystals illusionary wealth, nystals feigned competence

  8. I thought spell too but found Mr Bloch had beaten me to the punch. My vote would be for Nystul's Gaping Abyss...
