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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nexus 7 Test Post - Chrome Blogger Interface or Blogger App?

I'm beginning to think the Blogger App is a waste of space on my Nexus, as the standard blogger web interface is 10X more useful than the app.

Heck, I can even post a picture of y niece riding a Cat Scratching Post. I can size it, I can move it side to side - I can even place it where i want it on the page.

Yep, the app sucks for Blogger, but the web interface still rocks.

End of test ;)

1 comment:

  1. By way of comparison I'm finding it very difficult to post (to blogger/blogspot pages) and comment using the web interface from my (1st gen) iPad. I've been trying a couple of apps but they don't sync to drafts on the website - its very hard to control image elements. So if it's anything other than a few thoughts "on the go" (as with phones) blogging from a tablet seems more trouble than it's worth. I have a real problem with all of this stuff since it's often more gee-wow-browse-only than actual productivity. Glad to hear the Nexus 7 is working out for you though. :)
