Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Thursday, October 27, 2011

When Your Quest is Dragons, You Need DragonQuest!

Yep, i snagged myself a copy of the DragonQuest 3e rulebook on Ebay, and I should have a boxed set coming from Troll & Toad.  Really, why should I let Padre have all the fun?  heh

It is in many ways the exact opposite of the Pathfinder Beginner Box, but that's okay.  I probably won't have time to give DragonQuest a real look until after my wedding, but as that's in a week and a half.  I plan on lots of reading and relaxing after the wedding ;)

1 comment:

  1. DragonQuest was the go-to game for my best friend's dad, he was a hardcore wargamer from the dawn of time and he really wanted us to love that game when we were kids. We humored him and played a few times, but we really wanted to play D&D because everyone played D&D, everyone knew how to play D&D and there was more stuff for D&D. Still, I concede his point, it is a better, more logical simulationist system than D&D; but that's not really what D&D was trying to be, that's the point he missed. He went on to try to develop the perfect FRPG for decades afterwards, for all I know he still is.
