Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Monday, April 18, 2011

Your Highness - Reviewing the Movie as a Gamer

I am reviewing it as a gamer because apparently the critics hated it.  Rotten Tomatoes was iffy on it, but Moviephone users gave it a 91% thumbs up.  Who to believe?

In this case, no one.  I do think it one of the better (if not the best) D&Dish movie we've been given in years.  It's just that it seems like it's not sure what it wants to be.  Is it a foul mouthed, sexually perverted comedy aimed at the folks that go see the Scary Movie series, or is it a well thought out fantasy movie with pretty nifty effects and sweet action scenes?  It's both, which makes it weaker then either a pure goofball comedy or a serious fantasy genre movie (after the LotR series, I think we can expect serious fantasy movies on occasion).  It does however, do a decent job of being both... it just would have been stronger picking one and sticking with it.

Is it better  then the 1st D&D movie? Hell yes.  Is it better then the 2nd D&D movie?  Without a doubt.  Better then Army of Darkness?  I think so.

On a scale of 1 to 5 pints, I'll give this a 4.  I'm grading a bit on the curve, because there were some moments where the movie just shines from a gamer's point of view (like the hired barbarian dying a gruesome death in the first and only trap in the maze).

I think I'm in love with Natalie Portman, but don't tell my lady ;)


  1. I'd like to point out that "Is it better then the 1st D&D movie?" does not count as a real question, because no matter what "it" refers to, the answer is always the same.

  2. Better than Army of Darkness?!? I think that's going a bit far. ;p

  3. It could have been funnier.
    It was better then the 1st D&D movie, it was far more coherent. It's probably about equal to Army of Darkness.

  4. Have not seen this but then, I haven't been to the theater in awhile. Still haven't seen Paul.

  5. I liked it, but I thought they used all the best jokes in the trailer.

  6. Nothing is better than Army of Darkness... NOTHING I TELL YOU! NOTHING!!!
