Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Update - Tenkar's Minions Shirt has Arrived - Should be Available for the Masses Before the End of Summer

I very much like the quality of the Tenkar's Minions shirt I received, but the vendor I used does not have its own marketplace. Still, it showed me that the art will reproduce well. The next step is to try RedBubble or the like.

I will likely take orders for pick-up at Shire Con in September from the original vendor, but they only offered up to 2x, and as gamers that is similar to a Gamers' Large ;) Another reason to use RedBubble is they offer up to 5x.

As the art was donated to the community, all shirts will be sold AT COST when they are available. There are other ways to support The Tavern and they are linked below.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern. 

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat vidcast on YouTube - Tenkar 

Friday, July 22, 2022

New Dungeons & Dragons Movie Trailer is Live


A fine-looking Mimic

The new trailer has been released for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie starring Chris Pine. I am pleasantly surprised to say "it looks fun" and possibly even good. I know, go figure.

Here's the link to the video. Enjoy:

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern. 

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat vidcast on YouTube - Tenkar 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Humble Bundle - Star Trek Adventures - RPG from Modiphius

Star Trek recently returned to my must-watch franchises, with the Brave New Worlds series. Discovery and Picard didn't seem like Star Trek to me, but Brave New Worlds scratches that itch.

Star Trek in its current incarnation is an RPG that I've yet to pick up. I think that's about to change.

The Star Trek Adventures Humble Bundle has two sweet points in my opinion. For a buck, you can get the Starter Set. For 30 bucks you get 32 titles, including the core books. I think that's a decent return on my gaming dollars ;)

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern. 

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat vidcast on YouTube - Tenkar 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

News - Goblinoid Games Starts to Shut Down - Suspends Social Media Presence

"Hi everyone, all Goblinoid Games social presences are hereby suspended. Basic sales operations and all products currently available will remain for sale and in print at this time.

This page will remain active for now, but the Goblinoid Games page is deactivated.

My sincere apologies if these developments cause any distress. I appreciate and am grateful to have had your support over the last 15 years.

Please hang tight, additional information will surface in the coming weeks." 

Dan Proctor

The above was shared on Facebook earlier today. I have no further information (trust me, many have asked throughout the day). Whatever is in the works, I wish Dan only the very best.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern. 

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat vidcast on YouTube - Tenkar 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Wait! Star Frontiers: New Genesis is for Realz?!? And Who is Mario Real?

Yep, Star Frontiers: New Genesis is "for realz". I have a PDF copy and my God, it is a steaming mess. It's written as if its sole purpose is to troll WotC and embarrass them to the point they pay nuTSR  to simply make SFNG and nuTSR go away. Far away.

I strongly suspect that is NOT going to happen.

That being said, it appears either Dave J or Justin L wishes to threaten yours truly with "slander" and I ("Tenkarp") run the risk of being "sude". Someone is calling "lawers". I hope they are Bar certified "lawers".

Did you notice the comment above by "Mario Real"? It just validated the content of the PDF I was given. Talk about sinking your own ship.

In any case, the comment was deleted shortly after I posted my comment. I wonder why that would be?

You can view the first installment of what will surely be a many-part series below.

As an aside, if I do get "sude", I may seek funding to hire an attorney. Hopefully, it will have more success funding than nuTSR had in funding their lawsuit against WotC ;) In any case, I suspect the WotC suit will settle first, and any "discovery" would be totally to my advantage, and not just for the reasons stated above. Any such filing would likely fall under NYS's Frivolous Conduct Sanctions. I could always use a tattoo parlor or two, but I'll pass on the grits ;)

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern. 

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat vidcast on YouTube - Tenkar 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Humble Bundle - Shadow Run (Sixth Edition)

I remember the first edition of Shadowrun. It was exciting. Elves and other fantasy races in a cyberpunk world. sadly, none of the regular players in my gaming group at the time gave a shit. Ah well, such is the life of a tabletop RPG gamer.

Shadowrun Sixth Edition is the latest Humble Bundle RPG Bundle. For 18 bucks you get a fairly complete set of books, including the core rules. It certainly is a bargain at that price. Still, I'll be honest, any price point under 18 bucks does not get you the core rulebook, and if you are grabbing this on Humble Bundle, you likely want the rules in PDF. I'm going to call that a bad decision by Catalyst Games, but it is what it is.

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern. 

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat vidcast on YouTube - Tenkar 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Too Much RPG Drama

Too Much RPG Drama
The topic of this post has been sitting in my head all weekend and I've sat down to type this a couple of times now and the first few times I keep thinking that it looks too much like a commentary regarding either Erik's "recent" dealings with the Evil DM, or Satine Phoenix drama....hell maybe even Zak Smith bullshit.

No....this is about my own personal RPG bully and as much as I'd love to put this asshole on full blast, I have to realize that this is clearly a double dumb-ass on me situation. I let this fucker move into my head and set up shop rent-free. I thought that I managed to evict him, but evidently he had a key to the back door.

Now I'm not sure how much to share here, mostly because it's a lot of "who gives a shit" for Tavern Patrons. The TL;DR version is I had someone in my old gaming community bully me online to the point where I had to take the nuclear option and quit. I spent all of my vacations, and a LOT of money, volunteering for this company/community, for friends (I thought) and in the end it didn't matter for shit......

There's a reason I pretty much stick with OSR games now, which is a shame 'cause I did really like that "old" system. It's literally been years since I've even picked up one of those game books, aside from when I reorganize my shelves....

Of course, the natural question is "Why is this even an issue this weekend?"

Well, glad you (didn't) ask. So my own personal dick-head popped up on social media....again probably my fault for even subbing to that group....and lamented the loss of the old gaming community, the same community he shit all over in an attempt to make my life hell while shoring his own ego up as some burgeoning RPG writer. Anyway, in this post he lamented the community's loss and propped up his statement by mentioning the passing of one of its members some years ago.

That add-on got a lot of traction, as one might expect. Thing is this kind of activity was in-line with the asshole's MO. The whole post was like ripping off a scab on a wound I thought had been healed....evidently not.

Now I don't know about everybody else, but I'm into playing RPGs because, well, it's fun. It should be fun!

Aside from those actually trying to make a living from producing RPG products (...and even then), do we really need people trying to make a name for themselves as some kind of RPG Persona? Most of these RPG bullies have this need for attention at the core of, well everything. At least that's my impression. If it was really about the game then they'd be, well gaming.

I'm not the guy for giving advice, but I can pass on something I've been told...and evidently can't remember without being reminded: "Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die." I know, I know....add this to the laundry list of things I need to work on.

Surprisingly enough I feel better getting this topic off my chest and hopefully off of my mind and get back to the only thing that I think might work, just ignoring these fuckers. I didn't engage my bully on social media and while I'm kind of fucking this up by posting here, but I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to vent.