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Thursday, November 19, 2009

D6? Free6!

Damn. I have no idea how I missed this earlier. West End Games (of the original Star Wars RPG fame) has put out many of their core books in PDF format for free. I like free. I also liked the old Star Wars RPG much more then the WotC version.

Here's the list of which books are free on RPGNow from WEG:

D6 Adventure
D6 Fantasy
D6 Space
D6 Space Ships
D6 Adventure Locations
D6 Fantasy Creatures
D6 Fantasy Locations

Thats a lot of material right there. I'll need to load them up on my DX and give them a shake.

Signs & Portents - Free Loot!

Say what you will about Mongoose Publishing (and many of you will) but their Signs & Portents Magazine is an excellent piece of work, even if you don't play with their products. The fact that it is free? Utterly amazing.

In this month's issue; (cribbed directly from the RPGNow page)

Signs & Portents
A number of upcoming releases are sneakily unveiled. . .

Games Fest & Halloween at Mongoose Hall
Our on the spot reporter Katrina brings you news of the latest gaming events.

Unleash your inner criminal mastermind.

Buried Truths, a complete adventure!

Two patrons, ready to be slotted into your campaign.

Victory at Sea
Featuring the biggest ship we have EVER put in this game!

A Heavy Systems Defence Boat, dedicated to keeping your shipping lanes clear of piracy and those pesky Vargr!

Lone Wolf
The village of Eshnar uncovered. . .

Cimmerian Moons, a complete adventure for your favourite barbarians.

Traveller/Babylon 5
The end is hoving into view for the massive Legacy of War epic.

Go to RPGNow and pick the latest issue up for free in PDF... then go back and get the previous 73 issues. You won't be sorry. Is it a house organ? Unabashedly. It's also quality and costs nothing. Steal what you can from it. I plan to.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2012 - RPG-able?

I saw 2012 with my 16 y/o son last night. Quick and dirty review: Hollywood blockbuster, amazing special effects, shallow and one trick characters, iffy science, way too long at over 2 1/2 hrs and needs a good editor to cut out some of those amazing special effects. Really. I know you wasted millions of dollars on those 90 seconds of the earth being destroyed, but those 90 seconds need to go... there is still 90 minutes of special effects of the earth being destroyed to fill in the gaps.

Now, as for RPG-ability. Without spoiling too much for those that haven't yet seen the latest special effects thrill ride, all of the real roleplaying source material is in the last 10 minutes of the movie. That is all. But you could work a really fine campaign off those last 10 minutes.

Yep, if you can sneak a peek at the last 10 minutes of this flick you'd have the seeds of a fine game setting ;)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Been Ages...

I know I haven't posted in like 10 days. God himself knows how hectic life can get, and boy, did it! ;)

Not all bad, but something had to take a back seat, and this was it. Anyhow...

Torchlight, a nice, little, inexpensive ($18-20) Diablo 2 clone-like game for the PC is addictive. Better then Titan Quest, and much more affordable. It's a decent game priced as shovel-ware. Do yourself a favor and pick it up.

Dragon Age - holy mother of pearl! This game rocks. Currently playing on the Xbox 360 (for the 43" HD experience) but I think the PC version would be even better. Its clocked about 2 days worth of my life (treating a day as an 8 hrs workday). Get it, enjoy it, live it.

iTabletop. Click the link to the right. Go to the forums (join if you arent a member - its free). General Forum - Go to the contest (favorite NPC) and enter. There's a 10 dollar RPGNow gift cert riding on this one. You KNOW you want it :)